Lab Life
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Laboring on the Cape to raise money for AATD research!
Joe shows off his gene editing chops at ATS
Getting the old Crew back together!
Kiwi lab PIs show the love
Michelle crushes Evans Day!
Andrew flanked by Alpha-1 royalty
Kiwi members after a tough day on the slopes
We made it to PTown!
Chinatown lunch
Cape views on the Alpha-1 bike trek
The Lab dressed up for halloween
Members of the Wilson lab with the CReM at the Evan's Day Research Gala
3 generations of Wilson Lab technicians!
CReM Asado!
Joe and Andrew with the Walsh family
Alphas visit the CReM
Nora shows her mettle
Hard at work on a Wednesday. . . .
Biking on the Cape
Kristy celebrating her first place win for her poster, "Pluripotent stem cell-based modeling of cigarette smoke injury," at Evans Day!
Rhiannon wins first place for her poster, "A CRISPRi approach to investigate lung function risk alleles in iPS-derived lung epithelial cells," at PCTC. Go CReM!
Aspen Lung Conference!