IP Day 2024

TPRI IP Day 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024
Hosted by TPRI

The Eighth Annual Boston University Technology & Policy Research Initiative IP Day conference explores a variety of topics relating to copyright, antitrust, patent law and the regulation of markets rich with innovation. Topics include AI and copyright infringement, pharmaceutical innovation and more.


(All times Eastern Daylight Time)

8:15-8:55     Breakfast

8:55-9:00     Greetings (Angela Onwuachi-Willig)

9:00-10:45   Session 1: Patent Valuation Using Stock Prices

Jonathan Federle, Ann-Kristin Kreyer and Dietmar Harhoff: Financial Market Reactions to Patent Disclosures and Grants
Ashish Arora, Sharon Belenzon and Elia Ferracuti: Revisiting the Private Value of Scientific Inventions
John Mckeon, Felix Poege and Tim Simcoe: Valuing Pharmaceutical Patent Thickets
Discussant: Adam Jaffe

10:45-11:00   Break

11:00-12:10   Session 2 : Topics in Copyright 

Alberto Galasso: The Blurred Lines of Copyright Infringement
Imke Reimers and Joel Waldfogel: The First Sale Doctrine and the Digital Challenge to Public Libraries 
Discussant: Neel Sukhatme

12:10-1:00   Lunch

1:00-2:10    Session 3:   IP and Pharmaceutical Innovation

Jennifer Kao and Charu Gupta, Beyond the Label: Regulatory Slack and Forum Shopping in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Edward Kong and Olivia Zhao, Market Exclusivity and Innovation: Evidence from Antibiotics
Discussant: Rena Conti

2:10-2:30    Break

2:30-3:40   Session 4: Antitrust and IP

Mitsuru Igami, Jeff Qiu, and Takuo Sugaya, Collusion and Innovation: The Case of LCD Cartel, 2001–2006
Christian Helmers and Brian Love, Are Non-Practicing Entities Opportunistic? Evidence from Litigation of Standard Essential Patents
Discussant: Francine Lafontaine

3:40-4:00   Break

4:00-5:00   Panel:  AI and Copyright (Moderated by Michael Meurer)

Joshua Gans
Miriam Lord
David Stein
Joel Waldfogel

5:00-5:45   Reception