Participate in a study!


Requirements: age 18+; raised in the US starting before age 6; no history of speech or hearing issues; grew up with Mandarin spoken at home or completed 2+ semesters of Mandarin classes.

This is a computer-based listening study which involves giving judgments on spoken Mandarin sentences, as well as reading a few English sentences out loud while being audio-recorded. The study will take place in the PAMLab. If you are eligible to participate, you will arrange to complete one session of 40-50 minutes with an experimenter. If you complete the study, you will be compensated $25 via an electronic gift card to Amazon or Grubhub.

To sign up for the study, please scan the QR code on the relevant flyer below, or email the study coordinator at

In general, our studies take place in Room 117 of 617 Commonwealth Avenue on Boston University’s Charles River Campus. Participation in a study typically consists of filling out a background questionnaire and completing language tasks that involve speaking into a microphone and/or listening to audio recordings over headphones.

Please contact the lab if you’re interested in participating in one of our current studies.

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