Category: Presentations

Kpogo, Kellogg at BUCLD47

Congratulations to PhD students Felix Kpogo and Jackson Kellogg on their acceptances to the upcoming BUCLD (BUCLD 47), to take place this November! Felix will co-present the poster “Minimizing complexity while maintaining the grammar: The case of diminutives in heritage Twi” (co-authored with Prof. Chang) with fellow PhD student Alex Kohut in the Friday afternoon […]

Chang at UC Santa Cruz

Prof. Chang will be giving a talk at the University of California, Santa Cruz, on May 9 in the Phonetics and Phonology Lunch (Phlunch) series. The title of his talk is “Multilingual phonological knowledge in speech perception and production”.

Chang at New Sounds 2022

Prof. Chang is in Barcelona this week to present a talk (co-authored with Prof. Yao Yao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) entitled “Multiple factor analysis of individual differences among heritage Mandarin speakers” at the 10th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2022)!

Dionne & Chang at ASA

PhD student Danielle Dionne will be presenting results from the Asian Americans in Boston project in a poster (co-authored with Prof. Chang) entitled “Sociophonetic variation among Asian Americans: The role of ethnicity and style” at the 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) on May 23. Danielle was also admitted to the 2022 […]

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Samejon at May conferences

PhD student Kevin Samejon will be presenting his research at two conferences in May: “Stress-conditioned vowel change in reduplicated and suffixed words: Evidence from Cebuano /u/”, a poster at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS31), hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa “Acoustic and social dimensions of word-final /z/ production: Data […]


Chang at Stony Brook

Prof. Chang will be giving a colloquium at Stony Brook University’s Department of Linguistics on Mar. 11. The title of his talk is “Towards a bilingual agenda for research on bilingual speech: Attrition & Drift in Access, Perception, and Production Theory (ADAPPT)” (joint work with Esther de Leeuw).

Chang at NYU CSD

Prof. Chang will be giving a colloquium at NYU’s Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders on Feb. 22. The title of his talk is “Intoxication and pitch control in bilingual speech” (joint work with Kevin Tang, Andrew Nevins, Sam Green, Kai Xin Bao, Michael Hindley, and Young Shin Kim).

Fraser at SLUgS Symposium

Congratulations to Kate Fraser, whose work on the Asian Americans in Boston project was accepted for presentation at the UC Berkeley Society of Linguistics Undergraduate Students (SLUgS) 6th Annual Undergraduate Linguistics Symposium! The title of the presentation is “Listener perception and identification of Asian American Speech”. Brava, Kate!

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Chang at UToronto

This Friday (January 14), Prof. Chang will be giving a virtual colloquium in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto. The title of the colloquium is “A multifactorial approach to analyzing individual differences among heritage speakers”.

PAMLab at LSA 2022

Labbies were active at this weekend’s 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2022): PhD student Megan Brown gave the talk “Regressive cross-linguistic influence in multilingual speech program: The primacy of typological similarity” (co-authored with Prof. Chang) in the Friday morning Bilingualism session, and PhD student Felix Kpogo gave the poster “A […]