Author: PAMLab

Phonetics, Acquisition & Multilingualism Lab (PAMLab) Department of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences Boston University

Welcome to this spring’s labbies!

Welcome to the new Linguistics student joining the lab this semester to work on research: Jiangnan (Michael) Fang is a sophomore double-majoring in Linguistics and Mathematics and minoring in Music. His interests are in second language acquisition, speech production, the perception of nonnative vs. native speakers, and the relationship of speech perception to prosodic features such as […]

PAMLab at LSA 2019

Prof. Chang is in New York this week to present results on L2 perceptual learning of Korean (from collaborative work with Dr. Sungmi Kwon) in the Saturday afternoon ‘Phonetics II’ session at this week’s Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. The title of the presentation is “The contributions of crosslinguistic influence and individual […]

Welcome to Dr. Yao!

Welcome to Dr. Yao Yao, who will be a Visiting Researcher in the lab for Spring 2019. Dr. Yao’s areas of specialty are phonetics, psycholinguistics, and corpus linguistics. She completed her PhD in Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, and is on sabbatical from her position as Associate Professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual […]

Congrats to UROP recipient Aspen Bombardo

Congratulations to Aspen Bombardo, who was awarded a second Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working on research in Spring 2019! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on: Aspen Bombardo: “Variation in the production of English consonant clusters by Asian American bilinguals” Aspen will be working on a sociophonetic research project examining […]

PAMLab at JK 26

Prof. Chang is in Los Angeles this week to present results on sound change in Korean fricatives (from collaborative work with Dr. Hae-Sung Jeon) in the Friday afternoon poster session at this week’s Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference. The title of the presentation is “The role of speaker gender in diachronic change of Korean fricatives”.

Welcome to this fall’s labbies!

Welcome to the recent Linguistics graduate who will be joining the lab this semester to work on research projects: Leslie Fink graduated with a Linguistics major from Dartmouth College in 2016. Her interests are in adult language acquisition, experimental design, quantitative methods, and materials development. And a warm welcome back to Aspen!

Congrats to UROP recipient Aspen Bombardo

Congratulations to Aspen Bombardo, who was awarded an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working on research in the lab in Fall 2018! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on: Aspen Bombardo: “Variation in the production of English consonant clusters by Asian American bilinguals” Aspen will be working on a sociophonetic research […]

Welcome to Dr. Ahn!

Welcome to Dr. Sunyoung Ahn, who will be a Visiting Researcher in the lab for 2018-19. Dr. Ahn’s areas of specialty are psycholinguistics and second language acquisition. She completed her PhD in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Maryland, and taught Korean as a second language for the past few years at Harvard University. During […]

PAMLab at LabPhon 16

Prof. Chang is in Lisbon this week to present results on sound change in Korean fricatives (from collaborative work with Dr. Hae-Sung Jeon) in the Friday afternoon poster session at this week’s Conference on Laboratory Phonology. The title of the presentation is “Categorical ambiguity and sound change in Seoul Korean”.

Welcome to this summer’s labbies!

Welcome to the six students who will be joining the lab this summer: Aspen Bombardo is a rising sophomore majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. Her interests are in language production and language learning, especially phonetic and phonological acquisition in learners of English as a second language. Will Clapp is a second-year PhD student in Linguistics. His interests are in phonetics, phonology, and psycholinguistics. Ziwei (Jo) Huang (interning […]