Welcome to the Summer 2024 labbies!

Welcome to the four new students who will be joining the lab this summer:

  • Serena Agarwal (Brown U. ’27) is a second-year undergraduate student at Brown University. She is interested in the intersection of Linguistics, Computer Science, and Neuroscience, and she is particularly interested in language acquisition, computational linguistics, and psycholinguistics.
  • Maryam Elbenni (Yale U. ’26) is a rising third-year undergraduate at Yale University majoring in Cognitive Science, with a focus in linguistics. Her research interests include multilingual speech, L2 language acquisition, and natural language processing.
  • Jaiden (Mengan) Li (Andover High School ’25) is a high school junior. She is interested in second language acquisition, East Asian languages (including lesser-known dialects like Hmong and Fukienese), and natural language processing.
  • Nick Tanner (UPenn ’26) is a third-year student studying Linguistics and Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania. He’s interested in the linguistics of American Sign Language and multilingualism.

And a warm welcome back to Jupitara, Felix, and Sara!

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