Category: Areas of Concentration

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Considering Class & Potato Chips

You many not think about it as you crunch your way to the bottom of the bag, but potato chip packaging says a lot about social class.  In this post, I’ll tell you about how the Boston University Gastronomy Program got community members thinking about chips + class, and then share a how-to guide for […]

Spring 2019 Course Spotlights

Today we’d like to highlight some of the unique electives we’ll be offering in the upcoming spring semester. Read on to see what’s available! The Science of Food and Cooking MET ML 619 | Tuesdays 6-8:45 | Valerie Ryan Cooking is chemistry, and it is the chemistry of food that determines the outcome of culinary […]

A Discussion of Edna Lewis with Dr. Sara Franklin

The food and words of Edna Lewis provoke “a church experience,” asserted Dr. Sara B. Franklin in last night’s Jacques Pépin Lecture on her new edited volume Edna Lewis: At the Table with an American Original.  This collection of essays, including a contribution from Gastronomy Program Director, Dr. Megan Elias, explores the life and impact […]

GRLSQUASH: A women’s food, culture, and art journal

My name is Madison Trapkin and in April I founded GRSLQUASH, a women’s food, culture, and art journal. I started a food and art blog while I was still in college. This was my first real foray into food writing outside of an academic setting. I created an interdisciplinary food experience on this blog using […]

Course Spotlight: Anthropology of Food

Dr. Karen Metheny, Senior Lecturer in Gastronomy, will teach Anthropology of Food (ML 641 C1) on Wednesdays during the Fall 2018 semester, and has prepared this course spotlight. Been to Haymarket recently? It is Boston’s oldest food market and provides a wonderfully rich food experience. But Haymarket also lets us explore other topics. Why are […]