Author: Katherine Ognibene

Yoga and PTSD

Expanding on a previous discussion post I created, regarding one of the alternative approaches, yoga and mindfulness. Learning about the practice of yoga and its beneficial value to individuals mental health and other psychological stressors has intrigued me over the past few years. Growing up, I was taught the importance of movement and mindfulness but […]


As a society we are often taught to constantly go-go-go. America’s working class is said to be the “backbone of the economy”, it is the land of success and opportunity (“5 traits of America’s working class – CBS News”, n.d.). A working mindset is almost handed over to us at a young age to adopt […]

The importanance of self-care

This class has opened my eyes and made me realize that some of the activites I incorporate into my daily routine, are part of my strategy for self-care. I never truly realized that when I worked out I was doing/enjoying it because it was relieving stress. Most of the time, in my situation when one […]