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Cheryl R Clark, MD, ScD, Jennifer S Haas, MD, MSc, Stephenie C Lemon, PhD, Karen M Freund, MD MPH, Karen Burns White, MSc, Caylin Marotta, MPH, Amy J Wint, MSc, Amy M LeClair, PhD, MPhil, Christine Lloyd-Travaglini, MPH, Victoria Xiao, BS, Nicole Casanova, BA, Tracy A Battaglia, MD MPH, RE: How the Coronavirus Disease-2019 May Improve Care: Rethinking Cervical Cancer Prevention, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, , djaa152,
Battaglia TA, Freund KM, Haas JS, Casanova N, Bak S, Cabral H, Freedman RA, Burns White K, Lemon SC, TRIP Consortium (2020). Translating research into practice: Protocol for a community-engaged, stepped wedge randomized trial to reduce disparities in breast cancer treatment through a regional patient navigation collaborative. Contemporary clinical trials, 93, 106007.
Freund KM, Haas JS, Lemon SC, Burns White K, Casanova N, Dominici LS, Erban JK, Freedman RA, James TA, Ko NY, LeClair AM, Moy B, Parsons SK, Battaglia TA.”Standardized activities for lay patient navigators in breast cancer care: Recommendations from a citywide implementation study.” Cancer. 2019.
Ko NY, Bak S, Gunn C, Nelson KP, Bowen D, Flacks J, Morton S, Parker V, Mendez J, Battaglia TA. “An innovation in patient navigation: Background, methods, and measures.” Journal of Oncology Navigation and Survivorship. 2019 (accepted).
Gunn CM, Bokhour B, Parker VA, Battaglia TA, Parker PA, Fagerlin A, McCaskill-Stevens W, Bandos H, Blakeslee S, Holmberg C. “Understanding Decision Making about Breast Cancer Prevention in Action: The Intersection of Perceived Risk, Perceived Control, and Social Context: NRG Oncology/NSABP DMP-1.” Medical Decision-Making. 2019.
Battaglia, TB, Pamphile J, Spencer N, Bak S, Gunn CM. “Connecting Community to Research: A Training Program to Increase Community Partnership in Research.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (in press).
Gunn CM, Fitzpatrick A, Waugh S, Carrera M, Kressin NR, Paasche-Orlow M, Battaglia TA. “Spanish-Speakers’ Experience with Receiving Dense Breast Notifications in a Massachusetts Safety-Net Hospital.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 Feb; 34(2): 198-205. PMID: 30350031.
Kaplan SE, Gunn CM, Kulukulualani AK, Raj A, Freund KM, Carr PL. “Challenges in Recruiting, Retaining and Promoting Racially and Ethnically Diverse Faculty.” Journal of the National Medical Association. 2018 Feb;110(1):58-64. PMID: 29510845.
Gunn CM, Bokhour B, Battaglia TA, Silliman RA, Hanchate A. “False Positive Mammography and its Association with General Health Service Use.” American Journal of Managed Care. 2018 Mar; 24(3):131-138. PMID: 29553275.
Gunn CM, Kressin NR, Cooper K, Marturano C, Freund KM, Battaglia TA. “Primary Care Provider Experience with Breast Density Legislation in Massachusetts.” Journal of Women’s Health. 2018 May; 27(5): 615-622. PMID: 29338539.
Gunn CM, Battaglia TB, Paasche-Orlow M, West A, Kressin NR. “Women’s Perceptions of Dense Breast Notifications in a Massachusetts Safety Net Hospital: ‘So What is That Supposed to Mean?’” Patient Education and Counseling. 2018 Jun; 101(6):1123-1129. PMID: 29426765.
Gunn CM, Paasche-Orlow MK. “New FDA Essure Counseling Order Fails to Promote Patient Empowerment.” Health Literacy Research & Practice. 2018 (in press).
Gunn CM, Fitzpatrick A, Waugh S, Carrera M, Kressin NR, Paasche-Orlow M, Battaglia TA. “Spanish-Speakers’ Experience with Receiving Dense Breast Notifications in a Massachusetts Safety-Net Hospital.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018.
Chakradhar, S. “Lost in the maze: will the rise of patient navigators help avert health disparities?” Nature Medicine. October 2018.
Gunn CM, Bokhour B, Parker VA, Parker PA, Bandos H, Holmberg C. Exploring Explanatory Models of Risk in Breast Cancer Risk Counseling Discussions. Cancer Nursing. 2017; (in press).
Ramachandran A, Flacks J, Morton S, Festa K, Bak S, Nelson K, Ko NY and Battaglia TA. Development and validation of a screening tool to identify housing insecurity among low-income women. Health Equity. 2017 [in press]
Gunn CM, Bokhour B, Battaglia TA, Silliman RA, Hanchate A. “False Positive Mammography and its Association with General Health Service Use“. American Journal of Managed Care. 2017; (in press).
Gunn C, Battaglia TA, Parker VA, Clark JA, Paskett ED, Calhoun E, Snyder FR, Bergling E, Freund KM. What Makes Patient Navigation Most Effective: Defining Useful Tasks and Networks. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2017; 28(2):663-676.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28529216; DOI: 10.1353/hpu.2017.0066;
Carr PL, Gunn C, Raj A, Kaplan S, Freund KM. Recruitment, Promotion, and Retention of Women in Academic Medicine: How Institutions Are Addressing Gender Disparities. Womens Health Issues. 2017 May – Jun; 27(3):374-381.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28063849; DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2016.11.003;.
Gunn CM, Parker VA, Bak SM, Ko N, Nelson KP, Battaglia TA. Social Network Structures of Breast Cancer Patients and the Contributing Role of Patient Navigators. Oncologist. 2017 May 30.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28559408.