Application Requirements
Study Proposal Applications should include the following sections and meet page limit restrictions:
- Pilot Study Checklist for Submission (cover page)
- Specific Aims (1 page)
- Research Plan (3 pages; please also see the Study Proposal Review Criteria below)
- Significance
- Innovation
- Approach
- Plans for dissemination and future research
- Budget Request and Justification, Staffing Plan (1 page)
- Study Timeline (0.5 page)
- References (no page limit)
- Biosketch and Curriculum Vitae/Resume of Principal Investigator(s) (no page limit)
Study Proposal Review Criteria
The CIIS review panel, composed of Boston University faculty, will review and score all applications using a structured review process. Applicants that submitted a successful Intent to Submit form will receive detailed information about review criteria.
Applications will be scored based on the following criteria:
- Completion of application requirements (specific aim, research plan, budget request and justification, study timeline, references, key personnel and staffing plan, curriculum vitae/resume and brief biosketch of principal investigators)
- Identification of a relevant quality/care gap
- Addressing use of an evidence-based or evidence-informed practice
- Use of an appropriate conceptual model/framework
- Consideration of stakeholder priorities and engagement
- Consideration of study setting’s readiness for change
- Selection and justification of implementation strategies
- Appropriateness of team experience
- Feasibility of proposed study design, analytic methods
- Appropriateness of process/outcome measures
- Relevance and potential impact on safety net health system environments