Larval Behavior and Population Connectivity
Relevant Publications
Majoris, J. D, Catalano, K. U, Scolaro, D. U, Atema, J. & Buston, P. (2019) Ontogeny of larval swimming abilities in three species of coral reef fishes and a hypothesis for their impact on the spatial scale of dispersal. Marine Biology 169: 159.
Majoris, J. D, D’Aloia, C. D, Francis, R. U & Buston, P. (2018) Differential persistence favors habitat preferences that determine the distribution of a reef fish. Behavioral Ecology 29: 429-439.
Majoris, J. E. D, Francisco, F. A. U, Atema, J. & Buston, P. M. (2018) Reproduction, early development, and larval rearing strategies for two sponge-dwelling neon gobies Elacatinus lori and Elacatinus colini. Aquaculture 483: 286-295.