
- Social Evolution in Clown Anemonefish
- Strategic Growth in Social Vertebrates
- Extraordinary Life Spans of Clown Anemonefish
- Ecology and the Evolution of Sex-Change
- Reproductive Skew Theory
- Social Evolution in Emerald Gobies
- Social Networks in Humbug Damselfish
- Personalities in Clown Anemonefish Societies
- Parental Negotiations in Clown Anemonefish

- Population Connectivity in Neon Gobies
- Population Connectivity in Clown Anemonefish
- Larval Sensory Systems and Larval Behavior
- Larval Behavior and Population Connectivity
- Biophysical Models and Connectivity
- Evolution of Larval Dispersal
- Plasticity of Larval Dispersal
- Emergence of Spatial Genetic Structure
- Implications for Design of Marine Reserves