
Since starting the lab at Boston University in 2010, I have encouraged my postdocs, graduate students, and qualified undergraduates to take the lead/be first author on all their work, and I mentor them/remain deeply involved throughout the process. In such cases, I list myself as last author (Google Scholar Profile).

P = Postdoctoral Associate, D = Doctoral Student, M = Masters Student, U = Undergraduate Student.


Nickles, K. R., Hu, Y. P, Majoris, J. E. D, Buston, P. M. & Webb, J. F. (2020) Organization and ontogeny of a complex lateral line system in a goby (Elacatinus lori), with a consideration of function and ecology. Copeia in press.

Barbasch, T. D, Rüger, T. P, Srinvasan, M., Wong, M. Y. L., Jones, G. & Buston, P. M. (2020) Substantial plasticity of reproduction and parental care in response to local resource variability in a wild population of clownfish. Oikos online.

Barbasch, T. D, Alonzo, S. & Buston, P. M. (2020) Power and punishment influence negotiations over parental care. Behavioral Ecology 31: 911-921.

Rueger, T. P, Harrison, H. B., Buston, P. M, Gardiner N. M., Berumen, M. L. & Jones, G. P. (2020) Natal philopatry increases relatedness within groups of coral reef cardinalfish. Proceedings of Royal Society of London, Series B 287: 20201133.

D’Aloia, C. C., Andres, J. A., Bogdanowicz, S. M., McCune, A. R., Harrison, R. G. & Buston, P. (2020) Unraveling hierarchical genetic structure in a marine metapopulation: a comparison of three high-throughput genotyping approaches. Molecular Ecology 29: 2189-2203.


Majoris, J. D, Catalano, K. U, Scolaro, D. U, Atema, J. & Buston, P. (2019) Ontogeny of larval swimming abilities in three species of coral reef fishes and a hypothesis for their impact on the spatial scale of dispersal. Marine Biology 166: 159.

Chaput, R. D, Majoris, J. P, Buston, P. M. & Paris, C. (2019) Hydrodynamic and biological constraints on group cohesion of plankton. Journal of Theoretical Biology 482  (2019) 109987.

Lesneski, K. C. D, D’Aloia, C. C., Fortin, M-J. & Buston P. M. (2019) Disentangling spatial distributions of a sponge-dwelling fish and its host sponge. Marine Biology 166: 66.

Branconi, R. D, Wong, M. & Buston, P. (2019) Comparison of efficiency of direct observations by SCUBA diver and indirect observations via video camera for measuring reef fish behavior. Journal of Fish Biology 94: 489-497.

Branconi, R. D, Garner, J. M, Buston, P. M. & Wong, M. Y. L. (2019) A new non-invasive technique for temporarily tagging coral reef fishes. Copeia 107: 85-91.

Reed, C. U, Branconi, R. D, Majoris, J. P, Johnson, C. & Buston, P. (2019) Competitive growth in a social fish. Royal Society, Biology Letters 15: 20180737.

Shaw, A., D’Aloia, C. C. & Buston, P. M. (2019) The evolution of marine larval dispersal kernels in spatially structured habitats: analytic models, individual-based simulations, and comparisons with empirical estimates. American Naturalist 193: 424-435.

Hu, Y. P, Majoris, J. E. D, Buston, P. M. & Webb, J. F. (2019) Potential roles of smell and taste in the orientation behavior of coral reef fish larvae: insights from morphology. Journal of Fish Biology 95: 311-323.


D’Aloia, C. C., Xuereb, A., Fortin, M-J., Bogdanowicz, S, M. & Buston, P. M. (2018) Limited dispersal explains the spatial distribution of siblings in a reef fish population. Marine Ecology Progress Series 607: 143-154.

Rueger, T. P, Barbasch, T. D, Wong, M. Y. L., Srinivasan, M., Jones, G. P. & Buston, P. M. (2018) Reproductive control via the threat of eviction in the clown anemonefish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 285: 20181295.

Maytin, A. U, Davies, S., Smith, G. U, Mullen, S., & Buston, P. M. (2018) De novo transcriptome assembly of the clownfish Amphiprion percula: a new resource to study the evolution of fish color. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 284.

Seymour, J. M, Barbasch, T. D & Buston, P. M. (2018) Lunar cycles of reproduction in the clown anemonefish Amphiprion percula: individual level strategies and population level patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 594: 193-201.

Barbasch, T. A. D & Buston, P. M. (2018) Plasticity and personality of parental care in the clown anemonefish. Animal Behavior 136: 65-73.

Majoris, J. D, D’Aloia, C. D, Francis, R. U & Buston, P. (2018) Differential persistence favors habitat preferences that determine the distribution of a reef fish. Behavioral Ecology 29: 429-439.

Majoris, J. E. D, Francisco, F. A. U, Atema, J. & Buston, P. M. (2018) Reproduction, early development, and larval rearing strategies for two sponge-dwelling neon gobies Elacatinus lori and Elacatinus colini. Aquaculture 483: 286-295.


D’Aloia, C. C. D, Bogdanowicz, S. M., Harrison, R. G. & Buston, P. M. (2017) Cryptic genetic diversity and spatial patterns of admixture within Belizean marine reserves. Conservation Genetics 18: 211-223.

Schmiege, P. U, D’Aloia, C. C. D & Buston, P. M. (2017) Anemonefish personalities influence the strength of mutualistic interactions with host sea anemones. Marine Biology 164: 24-


Lindo, D. P, Curcic, M., Paris C. & Buston, P. M. (2016) Description of surface transport in the region of the Belizean Barrier Reef based on observations and alternative high-resolution models. Ocean Modeling 106: 74-89

Mattison, S. M., Beheim, B., Chak, B. U & Buston, P. M. (2016). Offspring sex preferences among matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo in Southwest China revealed by differences in parity progression. Royal Society, Open Science 3: 160526

Wong, M. Y. L. P, Uppaluri, C. U, Medina, A. U, Seymour, J M. & Buston, P. M. (2016) The four elements of within group conflict in animal societies: an experimental test using the clownfish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1467-1475.

Buston P. M. & Wong M. Y. L. P (2016) Animales que renuncian la reproducción. Investigación y Ciencia Febrero 2016: 76-84.


D’Aloia, C. C. D, Bogdanowicz, S. M., Francis, R. K. U, Majoris, J. D, Harrison, R. G. & Buston, P. (2015) Patterns, causes and consequences of marine larval dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112: 13940-13945.

Rickborn, A. J. M & Buston, P. M. (2015) Life history transitions of the coral reef fish Elacatinus lori. Journal of Fish Biology 86: 637-650.

Peck, M. A. & Buston, P. M. (2015) Bigger mothers = better chances: the first test of a central hypothesis in marine ecology. Marine Biology 162: 1-2.


D’Aloia, C. C. D, Bogdanowicz, S. M., Harrison, R. G. & Buston, P. M. (2014) Seascape continuity plays an important role in determining spatial genetic structure in a coral reef fish. Molecular Ecology 23: 2902-2913.

Buston P. M. & Wong M. Y. L. P (2014) Why some animals forgo reproduction in complex societies. American Scientist 102: 290-297.


Wong, M. Y. L. P & Buston P. M. (2013) Social systems of habitat specialist reef fishes: tests of key concepts in evolutionary ecology. BioScience 63: 453-463.

Wong, M. Y. L. P, Medina, A. U, Uppaluri, C. U, Arnold, S. U, Seymour, J. M, & Buston, P. M. (2013) Consistent behavioral traits and behavioral syndromes in pairs of the false clown anemonefish. Journal of Fish Biology 83: 207-213.

D’Aloia, C. C. D, Bogdanowicz, S. M., Majoris, J. E. D, Harrison, R. G. & Buston, P. M. (2013) Self-recruitment in a Caribbean reef fish: a new method for approximating dispersal kernels. Molecular Ecology 22: 2563-2572

Buston P. M. & D’Aloia, C. C. D (2013) Marine Ecology: Reaping the benefits of local dispersal. Current Biology 23: R351-R353.


Wong, M. Y. L. P, Fauvelot, C., Planes, S. & Buston, P. M. (2012) Discrete and continuous reproductive tactics in a hermaphroditic society. Animal Behaviour 84: 897-906.

Buston, P. M., Jones, G. P., Planes, S. & Thorrold, S. (2012) Probability of successful larval dispersal declines fivefold over one kilometer in a coral reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 279: 1883-1888 (Cover Photo).


D’Aloia, C. C. D, Majoris, J. E. D & Buston, P. M. (2011) Predictors of the distribution and abundance of a tube sponge and its resident goby. Coral Reefs 30: 777-786.

Buston, P. M. & Elith, J. (2011) Determinants of reproductive success in dominant pairs of clownfish: a boosted regression tree analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 528-538.


Moved from the Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spain) to Boston University (USA).


Buston, P. M., Fauvelot, C., Wong, M. Y. L. & Planes, S. (2009) Genetic relatedness in groups of humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus: small, similarly-sized individuals may be close kin. Molecular Ecology 18: 4707-4715. (Cover photo).

Buston, P. M. & Zink, A. G. (2009) Reproductive skew and the evolution of conflict resolution: a synthesis of transactional and tug-of-war models. Behavioral Ecology 20: 672-684. (Cover photo).

Fauvelot, C., Smith-Kuene, C., Jerry D. R., Buston, P. M. & Planes, S. (2009) Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite loci for the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 651-653.                 


Wong, M. Y. L., Munday, P. L., Buston, P. M. & Jones, G. P. (2008) Fasting or feasting in a fish social hierarchy. Current Biology 18: R372-R373.

Wong, M. Y. L., Munday, P. L., Buston, P. M. & Jones, G. P. (2008) Monogamy when there is the potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish. Behavioral Ecology 19: 353-361.


Buston, P. M., Reeve, H. K., Cant, M. A., Vehrencamp, S. L. & Emlen, S. T. (2007) Reproductive skew and the evolution of group dissolution tactics: a synthesis of concession and restraint models. Animal Behaviour 74: 1643-1654.

Buston, P. M. & Balshine, S. (2007) Cooperating in the face of uncertainty: a consistent framework for understanding the evolution of cooperation. Behavioural Processes 76: 152-159. (Cover photo).

Buston, P. M., Bogdanowicz, S. M., Wong, A. & Harrison, R. G. (2007) Are clownfish groups composed of relatives? Analysis of microsatellite DNA variation in Amphiprion percula. Molecular ecology 16: 3671-3678. (Cover photo).

Buston, P. M. & García, M. B. (2007) An extraordinary life span estimate for the clown anemonefish. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 1710-1719.

Wong, M. Y. L., Buston, P. M., Munday, P. L. & Jones, G. P. (2007) The threat of punishment enforces peaceful cooperation and stabilizes queues in a coral reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 274: 1093-1099.


Buston, P. M. & Cant M. A. (2006) A new perspective on size hierarchies in nature: patterns causes and consequences. Oecologia 149: 362-372.

Munday, P. L., Buston, P. M. & Warner, R. R. (2006) Diversity and flexibility of sex change strategies in animals. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 89-95.


Transitioned from NCEAS (USA) to the Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spain).


Buston, P. M. (2004) Does the presence of non-breeders enhance the fitness of breeders? An experimental analysis in the clown anemonefish Amphiprion percula. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 23-31.

Buston, P. M. (2004) Territory inheritance in the clown anemonefish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 271: S252-S254.

Buston, P. M., Munday, P. L. & Warner, R. R. (2004) Sex change and body size in animals. Nature 428.


Buston, P. M. (2003) Mortality is associated with social rank in the clown anemonefish. Marine Biology 143: 811-815.

Buston, P. M. & Emlen, S. T. (2003) Cognitive processes underlying human mate choice: the relationship between self-perception and mate preference in Western society. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 100: 8805-8810.

Buston, P. M. (2003) Forcible eviction and prevention of recruitment in the clown anemonefish. Behavioral Ecology 14: 576-582.

Buston, P. M. (2003) Size and growth modification in clownfish. Nature 424: 145-146.


Moved from Cornell University (USA) to NCEAS (USA)


Jenkins, A. P., Buston, P. M. & G. R. Allen. (2000) Two new species of freshwater gudgeons (Eleotridae: Mogurnda) from Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 11: 47-54.