Rebecca Branconi
PhD Student

- Title PhD Student
- Education MA, University of Florence
Originally from Italy, I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Master’s degree in Animal Behavior from Universita degli Studi di Firenze, in Italy. I have always been interested in animal social behavior and for my undergraduate and masters theses I studied the social behavior of the paper wasp Polistes dominula. As A Ph.D. student in the Buston Lab, co-advised by Dr. Marian Wong in Australia, I am using the damselfish Dascyllus aruanus as a model system to investigate the effect of social and ecological context on the formation and organization of social networks.
Lab Publications (Google Scholar Profile; CV)
Branconi, R. D, Wong, M. & Buston, P. (2019) Comparison of efficiency of direct observations by SCUBA diver and indirect observations via video camera for measuring reef fish behavior. Journal of Fish Biology 94: 489-497.
Branconi, R. D, Garner, J. M, Buston, P. M. & Wong, M. Y. L. (2019) A new non-invasive technique for temporarily tagging coral reef fishes. Copeia 107: 85-91.
Reed, C. U, Branconi, R. D, Majoris, J. P, Johnson, C. & Buston, P. (2019) Competitive growth in a social fish. Royal Society, Biology Letters 15: 20180737.