Brianne Dent
Senior Research Technician (2019 – 2020)
- Title Senior Research Technician (2019 – 2020)
- Office 3
- Education BS Hons, University of Denver
Originally from Denver, Colorado, Brianne completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Denver in 2002. She relocated to Boston in 2003, where she worked as a veterinary technician and volunteered at the New England Aquarium. In 2005 she joined the New England Aquarium full time as an Aquarist and eventually became the Senior Aquarist responsible for the Tropical Gallery. She was responsible for caring for a variety of Indo-Pacific fish species, cephalopods and corals. Brianne has reared countless generations of cuttlefish and several generations of banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni). Brianne joined the marine biology research labs in 2019 as a senior research technician and uses her skills as an aquarist to keep the labs running smoothly.