
The priority deadline was August 22. We are currently processing the submissions we received. 



Because of this conference’s transdisciplinary nature and arts-research methodologies, we seek proposals for multi-modal participation. We welcome engagement from emerging and established artists, educators, performers, scholars, and other participants who can contribute to this investigation through a multiplicity of approaches toward understanding the relationship between women and masking practices. Due to limitations on in-person participation at the time of planning this conference, we will continue to use a virtual format, endeavoring to create experiences that are connected and participatory, material, embodied, and performative.*

Threadstories: October 30 at 1PM EST

Submissions should clearly describe a connection to the theme of women and masks, and articulate how you will offer the contribution on the Zoom platform and other details. In rare instances, there may be events held on the BU campus, and those can be proposed. Suggested formats and times include:

• Pre-recorded or live performances (5–8 minutes)
• Interview with a mask artist (15–30 minutes)
• Studio visit or demonstration (15–30 minutes)
• Academic paper (15 minutes)
• Provocation (5–10 minutes)
• Artist’s talk (15 minutes)
• Workshop (movement or making) (15–60 minutes)
• Demo of a technique (15–30 minutes)
• Guided experience (15–60 minutes)
• Hybrid (15–30 minutes)
• Link to a website or other online resource to feature on our website