Funding a New Study

Each New Principal Investigator is required to acquire appropriate funding for his or her new study. NeRVe Center Staff ( will help you include the appropriate language in your funding applications for your New NeRVe Study.

Ten Pilot Scans are available to acquire initial data to assist in proposing a new study.
Note: Pilot scans are available primarily for acquiring preliminary data for grant submissions to use the scanner here at the VA in Jamaica Plain.

Once the project is funded, billing will be set up by our Administrative Officer, and you will be granted a Scanning Code for scheduling your scans.

Please see the current Facilities and Equipment page for the details of any equipment you intend to include in your study.

Please see the current Commonly Used Sequences page to help you define the protocol you would like to develop for your study.

Please review the methods in the relevant publications by NeRVe PIs for descriptions of data processing and analysis methods methods to be used in your research proposal.

Templates for individual sections will be posted on this page as they are drafted and edited.

Grant Templates:


Old Resources: Preparing to Submit a Proposal for Funding or Pilot Support, IRB Protocols and Grant Writing

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