Invited talk at CLEO conference
Prof. Sander gives an invited talk at the virtual CLEO conference which is available online
Summer research undergraduates
Very excited to have Benni Trachtenberg and Daniel Gruspier joining us with UROP fellowships for summer research. Dev Bhatia continues doing research with a Distinguished Summer Research Fellowship. Sureyya Birol has also joined the group for summer research.
Prof Sander serves on international advisory board
Prof. Sander was selected to serve on the international advisory board of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD in Germany. See news article here
Early Access of Supercontinuum paper available
Our paper on Supercontinuum Generation from a Thulium Ultrafast Fiber Laser is availably by early access of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
New publication on micromachining
Our paper “Micro-Structuring, Ablation and Defect Generation in Graphene with Femtosecond Pulses,” got published in OSA Continuum
Prof Sander is elected to the IEEE BoG
Prof Sander is very excited that she got elected to serve on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Photonics Society for a 3 year term starting in January 2020.
Congratulations Fall UROP Awards
Congratulations to Ben and Pan who received UROP awards to conduct research in our group!
Congratulations to Panagis: BU Nano Fellowship
Panagis was awarded the BU Nano Fellowship for another year. Congratulations!
Congratulations UROP awards
Congratulations to Siyuan and Benjamin for being awarded a UROP fellowship for summer research in our group!
Prof. Sander wins NSF CAREER award
Prof. Michelle Sander was awarded a NSF CAREER award "Towards Super-Resolution Label-Free Mid-Infrared Photothermal Imaging"
See the news article here here