Prof. Sander elected to Optica Fellow
Prof. Sander is one of 121 elected Optica Fellow Members for the 2025 Fellow Class
Prof. Sander receives PECASE award
Michelle Sander Among Nearly 400 Federally Funded Early-Career Scientists Honored by President Biden. Thanks to my amazing research group, all my collaborators and mentors and of course the funding support. For more details, see BU ECE highlight.
Cover page of Analytical Chemistry
Panagis and Xuedong's article on “Time-Resolved Mid-Infrared Photothermal Microscopy for Imaging Water-Embedded Axon Bundles” got highlighted on the cover page of Analytical Chemistry, November 14, Volume 95, issue 45
Feature in BU Photonics Center Annual Report
Our group and research got highlighted in the BU Photonics Center Annual Report 2023, see here
Congratulations, Dr. Samolis
Panagis successfully defended his PhD thesis! Many congratulations!
Welcome to new students in the group
We are excited that Mayra will be joining our group as a PhD student! In addition, Emma Gill and Max Schittenhelm are currently visiting researchers in our group, visiting us from the University in Swinburne, Australia and the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, respectively. Welcome!
Poster presentation
Yiwen Zhang presented a poster on her undergraduate research at the IEEE MIT URTC conference this Fall. What a successful accomplishment!
Congratulations to Dr. Xuedong Zhu
Xuedong Zhu successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Pulsed infrared light for modulating neuromuscular transmission" on 6/27/2022. Many Congratulations!
Welcome to new undergraduate students
Congratulations to Yiwen Zhang for receiving a Distinguished Summer Research Fellowship and Daniel Jiang for receiving a UROP award to conduct research with us over the summer. Very excited to have Susan Zhang, Jacob Zlotnisky and Muhammed Abdalla working with us as well.
Congratulations to Dr. Junjie Zeng
Jacky successfully defended his PhD on April 7 on Real-Time Characterization of Transient Dynamics in Thulium-doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser. Many congratulations!