Category: Uncategorized

ECE’s role in Brain Science

December 8th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Michelle Sander is highlighted in an article on ECE’s role in Brain Science at BU!

Award of NIH Brain Initiative Grant

November 1st, 2018 in Uncategorized

In collaboration with Dr. Jerry Chen (BU Biology), and Dr. Vincent Pieribone (Yale University), Dr. Michelle Sander was awarded a NIH Brain Initiative Grant on New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Large-Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System. More details here

Open Postdoc Position in Ultrafast Lasers

October 13th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Job Opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Ultrafast Optics and Imaging at Boston University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, PI: Prof. Michelle Sander

The Ultrafast Optics Laboratory at Boston University focuses on the development of innovative customized fiber laser sources for various applications, in particular for biomedical imaging and spectroscopy. We are looking for highly motivated post-doctoral candidates who will be responsible for the design, implementation and characterization of an ultrafast optical imaging system based on thulium doped fibers. By integrating novel aspects of femtosecond fiber oscillator designs, ultrafast pulse amplification and nonlinear processes, a highly sensitive imaging system will be developed to gain insights into neural activity and connectivity in the brain. The highly interdisciplinary project offers the opportunity for close collaboration between engineering and neurosciences as well as the potential to explore industrial collaborations.

The ideal candidate should have some experimental background in optical techniques and should have previously worked with ultrafast lasers.

If interested, please contact Prof. Sander at Please include a curriculum vitae (with publication list), a statement of research interest and your fit for the position as well as the contact information for three references.

Congratulations to Adam for a UROP award

October 3rd, 2018 in Uncategorized

We are excited that Adam Sapp received a UROP award for Fall 2018! Congratulations!

Panagis receives BUNano fellowship

October 1st, 2018 in Uncategorized

Congratulations to Panagis for being awarded a BUNano fellowship!

Scientific Reports Paper Published

September 26th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Ahmet's paper on "Route towards extreme optical pulsation in linear cavity ultrafast fibre lasers," got published in Scientific Reports

Optics Express Publication

September 26th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Jacky's paper on "Scaling the repetition rate of thulium-doped ultrafast soliton fiber lasers to the GHz regime," got published in Optics Express

Congratulations, Dr. Akosman

June 1st, 2018 in Uncategorized

Many congratulations to Ahmet Akosman who succcessfully defended his PhD thesis today on "Ultrafast pulse dynamics in low-noise Tm/Ho-doped mode-locked fiber lasers". Great job!

Congratulation to James for a summer UROP award

March 27th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Open post-doctoral position in Ultrafast Optics and Imaging

March 20th, 2018 in Uncategorized

The Ultrafast Optics Laboratory at Boston University focuses on the development of novel customized fiber laser sources for various applications, in particular biomedical imaging and spectroscopy. We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate for the development of an ultrafast optical imaging system to explore and characterize optical pathways for neuroscience applications.

The ideal candidate should be interested in interdisciplinary research at the interface of ultrafast optics and biomedical optical imaging. An experimental background in optical techniques and interest in neurophotonics is desired.

If interested, please contact Prof. Sander at Please include a curriculum vitae (with publication list), a statement of research interest and your fit for the position as well as the contact information for three references.