Open Postdoc Position in Ultrafast Lasers
Job Opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Ultrafast Optics and Imaging at Boston University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, PI: Prof. Michelle Sander
The Ultrafast Optics Laboratory at Boston University focuses on the development of innovative customized fiber laser sources for various applications, in particular for biomedical imaging and spectroscopy. We are looking for highly motivated post-doctoral candidates who will be responsible for the design, implementation and characterization of an ultrafast optical imaging system based on thulium doped fibers. By integrating novel aspects of femtosecond fiber oscillator designs, ultrafast pulse amplification and nonlinear processes, a highly sensitive imaging system will be developed to gain insights into neural activity and connectivity in the brain. The highly interdisciplinary project offers the opportunity for close collaboration between engineering and neurosciences as well as the potential to explore industrial collaborations.
The ideal candidate should have some experimental background in optical techniques and should have previously worked with ultrafast lasers.
If interested, please contact Prof. Sander at Please include a curriculum vitae (with publication list), a statement of research interest and your fit for the position as well as the contact information for three references.