IP Day 2019
Current Research on Patent Prosecution
What issues are patent applicants and examiners wrestling with today, and what do they tell us about the state of innovation in the U.S.?
Leading scholars presented the latest research, including a panel discussion on the recent Qualcomm decision, at the Third Annual TPRI IP Day on Monday, July 22, 2019, at Boston University School of Law. Papers, slides, and videos are below.
Opening Remarks: Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Dean
Panel One: Examination and Quality
- Gaetan de Rassenfosse / Adam Jaffe, “Low-quality Patents in the Eye of the Beholder” [slides] [video]
- Melissa Wasserman / Michael Frakes, “Irrational Ignorance at the Patent Office” [slides] [video]
- Matthew Mitchell, “Is This Obvious?” [slides] [video]
- Discussant: Mike Meurer [slides] [video]
Panel Two: Examiners Under the Microscope
- Deepak Hegde, “Does Gender Affect Work?” [slides] [video]
- Michael Frakes / Melissa Wasserman, “Knowledge Spillovers and Learning in the Workplace” [slides] [video]
- Discussant: Megan MacGarvie [slides] [video]
Lunch Panel Discussion on FTC vs. Qualcomm
Panelists: Erik Hovenkamp, Keith Hylton, Jeff Prince, Tim Simcoe [video]
Panel Three: Methods and Eligibility
- Andrew Toole, “Are You My Twin?”
- Arti Rai, “Section 101 and Medical Diagnostics” [slides] [video]
- Discussant: Christian Helmers [slides] [video]
Panel Four: Cumulative Innovation
- Bernhard Ganglmair / Imke Reimers, “Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation” [slides] [video]
- Neil Thompson, “Does Winning a Patent Race Lead to More Follow-On Innovation?” [slides] [video]
- Discussant: Matt Marx [slides] [video]