42. Cruz-Sese J, Mirón-Alcala M, Alfonso-Triguero M, Olalde J, Ruiz L, Galbis-Gramage N, Cortes L, Escobar L, Preman P, Snellinx A, Saito T, Saido TC, Saiz-Aúz L, Rábano-Gutiérrez A, TCW J, Goate A, De Strooper B, Alberdi E, Arranz AM. Divergent Effects of APOE3 and APOE4 Human Astrocytes on Key Alzheimer’s Disease Hallmarks in Chimeric Mice. bioRxiv (doi:, 2025.
41. Wang S, Li B, Cai Z, Hugo C, Li J, Ingles D, Sun Y, Qian L, TCW J, Chui HC, Bennett DA, Arvanitakis Z, Remaley AT, Kerman B, and Yassine HN, Cellular senescence induced by cholesterol accumulation is mediated by ABCA1 lysosome trafficking in APOE4 and Alzheimer’s disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration, In Press, 2025.
40. Kloske CM, …, TCW J, …, Advancements in APOE and dementia research: Highlights from the 2023 AAIC Advancements: APOE conference. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Jul., 2024.
39. Sahelijo N, Rajagopalan P, Qian L, Rahman R, Priyadarshi D, Goldstein D, Thomopoulos S, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Bennett DA, Farrer LA, Stein TD, AI4AD Consortium, Shen L, Huang H, Nho K, Crane PK, Saykin AJ, Davatzikos C, Thompson PM, TCW J, Jun GR. Brain Cell Type Specific Genetic Subtyping and Drug Repositioning for Alzheimer’s Disease. 2024. medRxiv, (
38. Saha O*, de Farias ARM*, Pelletier A*, Wullich DS, Landeira BS, Gadaut M, Carrier A, Vreulx AC, Guyot K, Shen Y, Bonnefond A, Amouyel P, TCW J, Kilinc D, Queiroz CM, Delahaye F, Lambert JC, Marcos RC, The Alzheimer’s disease risk gene BIN1 regulates activity-dependent gene expression in human-induced glutamatergic neurons. Molecular Psychiatry, Mar, 2024. PMID: 38514804
37. Vance JM, Farrer LA, Huang Y, Cruchaga C, Hyman BT, Pericak-Vance MA, Goate AM, Greicius MD, Griswold AJ, Haines JL, TCW J, Schellenberg GD, Tsai LH, Herz J, Holtzman DM, Report of the ApoE4 National Institute on Aging/Alzheimer Disease Sequencing Project Consortium Working Group: Reducing ApoE4 in carriers is a therapeutic goal for Alzheimer Disease. 2024. Annals of Neurobiology, DOI: 10.1002/ana.26864. PMID: 38180638
36. Qi Z, Pelletier A, Willwerscheid J, Cao X, Wen X, Cruchaga C, De Jager P, TCW J# and Wang G# Novel missing data imputation approaches enhance quantitative trait loci discovery in multi-omics analysis. 2023. medRxiv. (, #Corresponding author
35. Mustaq M, Ahmed N, Mahbub S, Li C, Miyaoka Y, TCW J, Andrews S, Bayzid S, the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Machine Learning Model for Early Detection and Predicting Alzheimer’s Trajectory: A Multi-PRS Machine Learning Approach for Early Diagnosis and Progression Forecasting. 2023. medRxiv. (
34. TCW J, Overcoming the limitations of iPSC models. The Video Journal of Dementia. April, 2023.
33. TCW J, Alzheimer’s disease functional genomics with iPSCs. The Video Journal of Dementia. April, 2023.
32. TCW J, Impact of APOE4 on cellular function in astrocytes and microglia. The Video Journal of Dementia. April, 2023.
31. TCW J, Unveiling the role of astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease for novel therapeutic strategies. The Video Journal of Dementia. April, 2023.
30. Bosworth A, Griffin C, Chakhoyan A, Sagare AP, Nelson AR, Wang Y, Kisler K, Montagne A, Clementel V, TCW J, Rust R, Coba M, Zlokovic BV, Molecular signature and functional properties of human pluripotent stem cell-derived brain pericytes. 2023. bioRxiv (doi:
29. Lee S, William HC, Gorman AA , Devanney NA, Harrison DA, Walsh AE, Goulding DS, Tuck T, Schwartz JL, Zajac DJ, Macauley SL, Estus S, TCW J, Johnson LA, and Morganti JM, APOE4 drives transcriptional heterogeneity and maladaptive immunometabolic responses of astrocytes. 2023 bioRxiv (doi:
28. TCW J# and Arranz A#, Next-generation hiPSC-based models to decipher the contribution of human astrocytes to Alzheimer’s disease and potential targeting therapeutics. Molecular Neurodegeneration, Mar, 2023. PMID: 36966344 PMCID: PMC10039591 #Corresponding author
27. Kloske CM, …TCW J, …, APOE and immunity: Research highlights. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Mar, 2023. PMID: 36975090
26. Leng K, Rose IVL, Kim H, Xia W, Romero-Fernandez W, Rooney B, Koontz M, Li E, Ao Y, Wang S, Krawczyk M, TCW J, Goate A, Zhang Y, Ullian E, Sofroniew MV, Fancy SPJ, Schrag MS, Lippmann ES, Kampmann M. CRISPRi screens in human astrocytes elucidate regulators of distinct inflammatory reactive states. bioRxiv (doi:, Jun. 2022. Nature Neuroscience, Nov., 2022.
25. Saroja SR, Gorbachev K, TCW J, Goate AM, Pereira AC. Astrocyte-secreted glypican-4 drives APOE4-dependent tau hyperphosphorylation. PNAS, Aug., 2022.
24. TCW J#, Qian L, Pipalia NH, Chao MJ, Liang SA, Shi Y, Jain B.R., Bertelsen SE, Kapoor M, Marcora E, Sikora E, Andrews EJ, Martini AC, Karch, CM, Head E, Holtzman DM, Zhang B, Wang M, Maxfield FR, Poon WW, Goate AM. Cholesterol and matrisome pathways dysregulated in astrocytes and microglia. Cell, Jun, 2022. #Lead Corresponding author PMID: 35750033
Selected in Research news:
– WCVB 5: Researchers at Boston University unravel gene most responsible for Alzheimer’s disease
– Boston 25: Alzheimer’s research suggests a way to stop the disease early
23. TCW J*, Preman P*, Snellinx A, Calafate S, Alfonso-Triguero M, Corthout N, Munck S, Rudolf Thal D, Goate AM, De Strooper B, Arranz AM. Human iPSC-derived astrocytes transplanted into the mouse brain display three morphological responses to amyloid-β plaques. bioRxiv (doi:, 2020. Molecular Neurodegeneration, Sep, 2021. *Co-first authors
22. Cao J, Zhu L, Huang M, Hou J, Zhang L, Pero A, Ng S, Gaamouch FE, Elder G, Sano M, Goate AM, TCW J, Haroutunian V, Cai D. MicroRNA-195 rescues ApoE4-induced brain phospholipid dysregulation and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease. Molecular Psychiatry, Jul., 2021.
21. Novikova G, Kapoor M, TCW J, Abud EM, Efthymiou AG, Cheng H, Fullard JF, Bendl J, Roussos P, Poon WW, Hao K, Marcora E, Goate AM. Integration of Alzheimer’s disease genetics and myeloid genomics reveals novel disease risk mechanisms. bioRxiv (doi:, Aug., 2019. Nature Communications, Mar., 2021. (Selected in Research news: AD Genetic Risk Tied to Changes in Microglial Gene Expression, Alzforum, Aug, 2019.)
20. Qian L and TCW J#. Human iPSC-based modeling of central nerve system disorders for drug discovery, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Feb., 2021. #Corresponding author
19. Neff R, Wang M, Vatansever S, Guo L, Ming C, Wang Q, Wang E, Horgusluoglu-Moloch E, Song W, Li A, Castranio E, TCW J, Ho L, Goate A, Fossati V, Noggle S, Gandy S, Ehrlich ME, Katsel P, Schadt E, Cai D, Brennand KJ, Haroutunian V, Zhang B. Systematic Identification and Characterization of Molecular Subtypes of Alzheimer’s Disease. Scientific Advances, Jan., 2021.
18. Hur JY, Frost GR, Wu X, Crump C, Pan SJ, Wong E, Barros M, Li T, Nie P, Wang JC, TCW J, Guo L, McKenzie A, Ming C, Zhou X, Wang M, Sagi Y, Kim Y, Sadleir KR, Trinh I, Rissman RA, Vassar R, Zhang B, Johnson DS, Masliah E, Greengard P, Goate AM, Li Y. The innate immunity protein IFITM3 modulates γ-secretase in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature, Sep., 2020. (Selected in Research news: IFITM3 Forges Link Between Neuroinflammation and Aβ Production, Alzforum, Sep., 2020)
17. Neuner SM*, TCW J*, Goate AM. Genetic architecture of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of disease, Jun., 2020. *Co-first authors
16. Montagne A, Nation D, Sagare A, Barisano G, Sweeney M, Chakhoyan A, Pachicano M, Joe E, Nelson A, D’Orazio L, Buennagel D, Harrington M, Benzinger T, Fagan A, Ringman J, Schneider L, Morris J, Reiman EM, Caselli R, Chui H, TCW J, Chen Y, Pa J, Conti P, Law M, Toga A, Zlokovic B. APOE4 leads to early blood-brain barrier dysfunction predicting human cognitive decline. Nature, May, 2020. (Selected in Research news: Even Without Amyloid, ApoE4 Weakens Blood-Brain Barrier, Cognition, Alzforum, May, 2020.)
15. Levy D, Morgan C, Bodkin J.A., Coleman M, Godfrey L, Carvalho C, Grochowski C, Kaufman M, Jensen J.E., TCW J, Brennand K, McCarthy S, Malhotra D, Sebat J, Goff D, Lupski J, Coyle J, Rudolph U. Partial pharmacological “Rescue” and MRS spectroscopy in two carriers of a rare marker chromosome containing extra copies of the GLDC gene encoding a glycine-degrading enzyme implicate NMDA Receptor hypofunction in psychosis, Biological Psychiatry, May, 2020.
14. TCW J#,Liang SA, Qian L, Pipalia NH, Chao MJ, Shi Y, Bertelsen SE, Kapoor M, Marcora E, Sikora E, Holtzman DM, Maxfield FR, Zhang B, Wang M, Poon WW, Goate AM. Cholesterol and matrisome pathways dysregulated in human APOE ε4 glia. bioRxiv (doi:, 2019. #Lead Corresponding author (Selected in Research news: ApoE4 Glia Bungle Lipid Processing, Mess with the Matrisome, Alzforum, Aug., 2019; Cholesterol and matrisome pathways dysregulated in human APOE ε4 glia, PreLights, Aug., 2019.)
13. TCW J#. Human iPSC application in Alzheimer’s disease and Tau-related neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroscience Letters, Jan., 2019. #Corresponding author
12. Bowles KR*, TCW J*, Qian L, Jadow BM, Goate AM. Reduced variability of neural progenitor cells and improved neuronal differentiation using magnetic activated cell sorting. PLoS one, Mar., 2019. *Co-first authors
11. Grochowski K, Gu S, Yuan B, TCW J, Brennand KJ, Sebat J, Malhotra D, McCarthy S, Rudolph U, Lindstrand A, Chong Z, Levy DL, Lupski JR, Carvalho CMB. Marker chromosome genomic structure and temporal origin implicate a chromoanasynthesis event in a family with pleiotropic psychiatric phenotypes. Human Mutation, May, 2018.
10. TCW J, Wang M, Pimenova AA, Bowles K, Hartley BJ, Abdelaal R, Karch CM, Phetnani H, Zhang B, Goate AM, Brennand KJ. An efficient platform for astrocyte differentiation from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, Aug., 2017.
9. TCW J, Carvalho CMB, Yuan B, Gu S, Altheimer AN, McCarthy S, Malhotra D, Sebat J, Siegel AJ, Rudolph U, Lupski JR, Levy DL, Brennand KJ. Divergent levels of marker chromosomes in an hiPSC-based model of psychosis. Stem Cell Reports, Feb., 2017.
8. Jiang Y*, Loh E*, Rajarajan P, Hirayama T, Will Liao, Kassim B, Javidfar B, Fullard J, Hartley BJ, Giakoumaki SG, Egli T, Hatzimanolis A, Kleofas L, Pothula V, Park R, Labonte B, Ho SM, Chandrasekaran S, Do C, Brianna Ramirez, Peter C, TCW J, Brain Safaie, Smyrnis N, fanis NC, Avramopoulos D, de Quervain D J-F, Papassotiropoulos A, Bitsios P, Goate AM, Tycko B, Morishita H, Schaefer A, Nestler EJ, Roussos P, Brennand K, Yagi T, Shen L, Akbarian S. The methyltransferase SETDB1 regulates a large neuron-specific topological chromatin domain. Nature Genetics, Aug., 2017.
7. TCW J# and Goate AM#, Prion Disease: Genetics of β-Amyloid Precursor Protein in Alzheimer’s Disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2017;7:a024539. PMID: 28003277; PMCID: PMC5453386 #Corresponding author
6. Xu M, Lee EM, Wen Z, Cheng Y, Huang W, Qian X, TCW J, Kouznetsova J, Ogden SC, Hammack C, Jacob F, Nguyen HN, Itkin M, Hanna C, Shinn P, Allen C, Michael SG, Simeonov A, Huang W, Christian KM, Goate A, Brennand KJ, Huang R, Xia M, Ming G, Zheng W, Song H, Tang H. Identification of small-molecule inhibitors of Zika virus infection and induced neural cell death via a drug repurposing screen. Nature Medicine, Aug., 2016.
5. Ho SM, Hartley J, TCW J, Beaumont M, Stafford K, Slesinger PA, Brennand KJ. Rapid Ngn2-induction of excitatory neurons from hiPSC-derived neural progenitor cells. Methods, Nov., 2016.
4. TCW J*, Ichida JK*, Carter AC, Williams L, Moura MT, Ziller M, Singh S, Amabile G, Bock C, Umezawa A, Rubin LL, Bradner JE, Akutsu H, Meissner A, Eggan K. Notch inhibition allows oncogene-independent generation of iPS cells. Nature Chemical Biology, 10, 632-639, Aug., 2014. (Made the cover)
3. Ichida JK, Blanchard J, Lam K, Son EY, Chung JE†, Egli D, Loh KM, Carter AC, Di Giorgio FP, Koszka K, Huangfu D, Akutsu H, Liu D, Rubin LL, Eggan K. A small molecule inhibitor of Tgf-b signaling replaces Sox2 in reprogramming by inducing Nanog. Cell Stem Cell, 5, 1-13, Nov., 2009. (Made the cover)
2. Yang HY, Kang KJ, Chung JE†, Shim H. Construction of a large synthetic human scFv library with six diversified CDRs and high functional diversity. Mol. Cells, 27, 225-235, Feb., 2009.
1. Chung EY†, Shin SY, Lee YH. Amitriptyline induces early growth response-1 gene expression via ERK and JNK mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in rat C6 glial cells. Neuroscience Letter, 422, 43-48, Jul., 2007.
* Co-first authors, † My earlier publications were used in a different name.