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  • WE Local 2023 in Hartford, CT

  • WE22 in Houston

    WE22 in Houston, TX

  • WE Local 2022 in Buffalo, NY

  • WE21 in Indianapolis, IN

  • WE19 in Anaheim, CA

  • WE18 in Minneapolis, MN

  • WE Local 2018 in Providence, RI

  • WE17 in Austin, TX

  • WE Local 2017 in Storrs, CT

  • WE16 in Philadelphia, PA

  • WE Local 2016 in West Point, NY

  • WE15 in Nashville, TN

  • WE12 in Houston, TX

Each fall, BU SWE funds members to attend the national Women in Engineering (WE) conference, as well as the Region F local conference in the spring. Here are some of the great benefits of attending:

  • Networking: connect with companies and SWE members from other universities
  • Career Fair: recruiters are looking for employees and interns just like you and are conducting on-site interviews
  • Seminars: learn from inspiring professionals and industry leaders