New paper on Impaired auditory discrimination and auditory-motor integration in hyperfunctional voice disorders
Our paper “Impaired auditory discrimination and auditory-motor integration in hyperfunctional voice disorders” by Defne Abur, Austeja Subaciute, Mara Kapsner-Smith, Roxanne K. Segina, Lauren F. Tracy, J. Pieter Noordzij and Cara Stepp is now out in Scientific Reports!
New paper out on acuity to changes in vocal pitch in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
Check out our new paper, “Acuity to Changes in Self-Generated Vocal Pitch in Parkinson’s disease” by Defne Abur and Cara E. Stepp in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research!
Dr. Cara Stepp gives 10th Annual Minifie Lecture at University of Washington!
New article in ASHA Perspectives SIG 3!
Check out our new article “Research-Based Updates in Swallowing and Communication Dysfunction in Parkinson Disease: Implications for Evaluation and Management” published in the Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups SIG 3 authored by Courtney Broadfoot, Defne Abur, Jesse Hoffmeister, Cara Stepp, and Michelle Ciucci!
Defne Abur awarded ASHFoundation New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship!
Congratulations to lab member Defne Abur for winning the ASHFoundation New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship! This scholarship is awarded to strong doctoral candidates who are pursuing teacher-investigator careers in the academic environment. Defne will use this scholarship to help further her research examining auditory contributions to speech production in individuals with and without neurological disease.
Austeja Subaciute ’20 wins Newton-Wellesley Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship!
Congratulations to Austeja Subaciute ’20, a biomedical engineering major on the pre-medical track, for receiving the Newton-Wellesley Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship today!
New article in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Check out our newly published article: “Loudness Perception of Pure Tones in Parkinson’s Disease” by Defne Abur, Ashling A. Lupiani, Ann E. Hickox, Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham, and Cara E. Stepp.
Defne Abur selected as NIH T32 Predoctoral Trainee
Defne Abur has been selected as a predoctoral trainee for a Boston University Institutional Training Grant (T32) from the NIH/NIDCD.
Nicole Enos wins UROP Outstanding Student Researcher Award!
Nicole Enos ’19 received an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Outstanding Student Researcher Award for her work in the Stepp Lab. Congratulations Nicole!!
Defne Abur wins a Best Poster award at the Annual Voice Foundation Symposium!
Congratulations to Dr. Megan MacPherson, Defne Abur, Adrianna Shembel and Dr. Cara Stepp for receiving the second place award for Best Poster at the 46th Annual Voice Foundation Symposium! Their poster was entitled “Autonomic and Acoustic Measures during Speech as a Function of Cognitive Load in Healthy Older Adults”.