The Elliott Group, around town, and through time.
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Metallocofactors 2018 hike
Jennifer Jaimes in action!
#Metalloco18 downtime
SJE Lab, May 2018
SJE Lab, Aug 2017
Yay Dr. Leon Bin Li!
Night Shift @ Night Shift, June 2017
Oars UP!
Kayaking on the Charles, July 17
Watch this Space
A little renovation, Aug 17
The room evolves...
One tent in, one to go...
SJE - dreaming of reversibility
SJE on the OR coast....
PCET in balloons... 46 never seemed nicer.
Redox Balancing
Jennifer Jaimes and Sophie Ross, summer 18
Dr. Rizzolo!
#DrRizzolo Cake
Commencement with Camilla
Sheldon earns his BA/MA
Delaney Doran, Lindsey, and SJE
Doctor -- Doctor -- Doctor
Hello, is it me you're looking for?