DESE Update: June 7th, 2019
1. Dual Language Program Training:
The Department is sponsoring two identical two-day trainings for district and school leaders who are considering establishing a dual language program in their district or school. The first training will be June 24 and 25 at Bridgewater State University, and the second will June 26 and 27 at Hudson High School. Registration is open online at the links above. Anyone with questions can email Phyllis Hardy, executive director of the Multistate Association for Bilingual Education, Northeast at using the subject line “Implementing DLE District Leadership Training”.
Picture of the Week:
On June 7, DESE recognized 57 Schools of Recognition at the State House. Here, Commissioner Riley presents the team from Winship Elementary in Boston with their certificate.
3. Reminder about Distinguished Teachers and Principals:
The Department keeps a file of distinguished teachers and principals for consideration for membership on advisory boards and on task forces and as candidates for special recognition programs. While DESE has a rich base of veteran educators represented in the current group, the agency would like to increase representation from educators who have at least five years of experience but who are at the earlier end of their career. The list would also benefit from additional educators who work in secondary schools. If anyone you know fits that description, please use this form to provide confidential and specific information about them. Please keep this recommendation confidential and do not share it with the individual or collaborate with a colleague to complete it. Please submit the form by June 14.
4. Influence 100 Reminder:
The Department is launching Influence 100, an initiative to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of superintendents in Massachusetts, create more culturally responsive districts and leaders across the state, and promote better outcomes for students. Influence 100 includes a fellowship program for qualified educators who desire to move into the superintendent role in the next five years, and the initiative also includes support for school districts to become more culturally responsive and diversify their educator workforce. The application deadline is June 14, and DESE will announce the pilot districts by June 30. The application takes between 45 and 90 minutes to complete. For more information, please go to:
- Family engagement specialist wanted: The Department is looking to hire a family engagement specialist to coordinate DESE’s family engagement work, including efforts to build internal capacity to help districts and schools engage with families. The specialist will also support implementation of the Statewide Family Engagement Center Grant. The position is expected to be a five-year, federally-funded, full-time positions with benefits. The Department is seeking a strong and diverse pool of candidates and will begin reviewing applications on June 18.
- Condition of Education 2019: Last month, the National Center for Education Statistics released its annual “Condition of Education” report. The “At a Glance” and “Highlights” sections make it easier to find information on specific topics.
- Behavioral health system listening sessions: This summer, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services invites the public to attend listening sessions and inform the design of a behavioral health ambulatory treatment system that will better address the treatment needs of patients and their families, whether those needs relate to addiction, mental illness, or a combination of illnesses. The next two listening sessions are on June 18 in West Barnstable and June 19 in Brockton.