December 2016
Dear Colleagues,
Recent media news coverage of medication administration errors in schools in Massachusetts has brought attention to the ultimate responsibility the school nurse has for this nursing activity. Research has shown that the number of medication errors increase with the number of interruptions. We advise all districts to review the protocols and procedures for medication administration in schools so that they include the necessary measures to promote the delivery of safe nursing care in accordance with accepted standards of care. Please note that all medication errors resulting in serious illness requiring medical care shall be reported to the MDPH School Health Unit per 105 CMR 210.009(B).
A reminder that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the newly revised version of the Manual on MANAGING LIFE THREATENING ALLERGIES IN SCHOOLS. All School Principals have been mailed a copy of this manual. It can be accessed at:
Thank you for all the good you do for the children of Massachusetts,
Mary Ann, Janet and Carol