PT Practicum Presentations
01/2019 – Congratulations to our third-year DPT students, Catie Ledwick and Jeff Paskewitz, on their fantastic PT practicum presentations!
01/2019 – Congratulations to our third-year DPT students, Catie Ledwick and Jeff Paskewitz, on their fantastic PT practicum presentations!
12/2018 – Congratulations to graduate student Anna Roto, MS, MPH who was recently awarded the predoctoral award from the American Heart Association!
12/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to graduate researcher Ashlyn Aiello! Ashlyn is a Master’s Student in Mechanical Engineering who also completed her undergraduate studies in biomedical engineering with a concentration in nanotechnology and a minor in mechanical engineering at the College of Engineering. In the lab, she is working on integrating functional electrical […]
11/2018 – The NRL has welcomed two new graduate students in Fall 2018: Ashley Collimore and Ashlyn Aiello — both engineers with a passion to develop and test next generation rehabilitation technologies!
11/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to graduate researcher Ashley Collimore! Ashley is a First-Year PhD student in the Rehabilitation Sciences doctoral program at Sargent College who completed her undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. In the lab, she is working on developing a new control approach for wearable, powered assistive […]
08/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to Macauley O’Connor! Macauley is a Year 2 Doctorate of Physical Therapy student in Sargent College. He is currently a research assistant in the Neuromotor Recovery Lab and the Center for Neurorehabilitation at Boston University. At the NRL, he is playing an instrumental role across many different projects, include the ReWalk […]
03/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to undergraduate scholar Amogh Chandupatla! Amogh is a senior in the biomedical engineering program assisting in the development of rehabilitation technology. In the lab, he is currently working on creating an integrated system that combines functional electrical stimulation with real-time inertial motion tracking to assist pathological gait […]
03/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to Candy Qiu! Candy first started in the lab last year as a Dean Moore Scholar and is now a laboratory research assistant. She is a sophomore in the 6-year physical therapy program in Sargent College. Candy runs the social media aspects of the lab and assists graduate researchers […]
03/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week goes to graduate researcher Andy Alvarez! He is a First-Year PhD student studying Rehabilitation Sciences. Andy manages the motion capture aspects of the lab, mentors undergraduate scholars, and collaborates with outside and visiting researchers. His goal in the lab is to conduct research that leads to tangible differences […]
02/2018 – This Spotlight of the Week shines of associated faculty member Julie Starr, PT, DPT (get it, Starr, shines, spotlight!). Julie is a certified clinical specialist in the area of cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy. Perhaps you didn’t even know that was possible, but it is. In the lab, she is helping a team of […]