Tag: public health

Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day from NEPHTC! Today and every day, we are celebrating the women in public health and beyond for their amazing contributions to the world. Thank you for your inspiring work! Check out these trainings below that focus on supporting women in public health: MACHW Workshops: Wellness and Health as Public Workers The […]

27 Students Across New England Receive Stipends for Public Health Work in Underserved Communities

27 students, distributed across New England, completed field placements and received stipends from HRSA for working in agencies to serve underserved communities, while building competency as part of the future public health workforce. “We worked really hard each year on distributing placements evenly across New England,” says Maurine Crouch, Manager of Field Placements for NEPHTC, […]

3/9 Persuasive Public Health Messaging

March 9th, 2022, 9am to 11am We are excited to share this workshop from our partners at Yale School of Public Health! Description: This practical marketing workshop is designed to help public health teams develop clear, concise, compelling messaging for a specific program or project. Brand strategy expert Michele Levy will lead an interactive session […]

PHTC Student Field Placement Program By the Numbers

NEPHTC thanks our colleagues at Region 4 PHTC (Emory and University of Alabama) for putting together this data on the PHTC Student Field Placement Program. These data show that the PHTCs, a HRSA-funded program providing public health workforce development, collectively placed 693 students from July 1, 2018 to June 30,21.  74% of students worked on […]

12/2 Deepening Your Impact, Part III: Recording Quality Audio in our Public Health Environment

The goal of this webinar is to teach people without a background in audio engineering how to get great sound from home recordings. You’ll learn to teach your speakers about technical aspects of recording as well as coach them to elicit an engaging and credible delivery of the content. You’ll also learn the next steps […]

“Staffing Up” Report Shows 80K Need in Workforce to Meet Basic Requirements

Need an estimate of how short the US is in its governmental public health workforce? The DeBeaumont Foundation and the Public Health National Center for Innovations have produced an October 7, 2021 report for you! The number is 80,000.  That is, the report estimates at 80,000 more FTEs are needed in health departments to meet […]

WHIAAPI White House Initiative on AAPI Violence

In Celebration of Asian American and Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders invites you to a virtual Community Policy Briefing. In March, the Biden-Harris administration released an AAPI fact sheet and announced additional actions to respond to anti-Asian violence, xenophobia and bias. Senior administration […]

Webinar: Creating Your Marketing Pitch, Thursday May 9, 12-1pm ET

Cut through the clutter with concise and compelling messaging! Creating Your Marketing Pitch is a one-hour webinar for public health managers and leaders. An “express” version of the Creating Your Marketing Pitch half-day workshop, this webinar draws from recent public health case studies to offer practical, actionable advice on creating concise, compelling messaging for programs […]

NEPHTC Systems Thinking Training to be Featured for March on CDC Learning Connection!

NEPHTC is pleased to announce that the CDC Learning Connection will be featuring our “Introduction to Systems Thinking” course on their homepage for the month of March 2019.  The course will be sent to more than 175,000 subscribers to the CDC monthly e-newsletter (primarily public health professionals and healthcare workers) and will be shared with […]