A Tough But Good Year for NEPHTC Training Enrollment

NEPHTC reported this Fiscal Year’s 2021 performance to our funder, the Health Resource and Services Administration on July 30, 2021.  In the past year, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, NEPTHC and our fabulous Community Based Training Partners reported 45,912 instances of training (commonly called “participants”), an increase of approximately 2,000 from the […]

Sharing Opioid Training Resources at RCORP 2021

NEPHTC was happy to join PHTCs from Regions 2 and 3 at the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program. It was a pleasure to meet with grantees and to answer their questions about resources and needs assessments. We share trainings designed for specific audiences, as well as Toolkits and related training, and deeper training that and […]

Systems Thinking, Vermont and New Hampshire partners to be featured at NNPHI Annual

NEPHTC is pleased to announce that it will be featured at the annual NNPHI meeting in Washington, D.C.  in two poster sessions.  Both posters feature work that originated in a public health workforce need that was made into reality by the collaboration by NEPHTC and it’s impressive state partnerships.  If you have the chance, learn […]

Great Training Performance Numbers (and a Correction)

With the help and good attitude of the whole team, New England Public Health Training Center just finished its annual data gathering, cleaning and inputting process, to happy results! Our training instances continued their upward trend, reaching 29,038.  As we reflect on growth, we are happy, but all too aware that growth won’t always continue.  […]