NEPHTC Student Projects Over the Years

2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18| 2018-19 | 2019-20| 2020-21

Taylor Gross

Analyzed assessments related to nutrition and physical activity habits of preschoolers, interview stakeholders to assess efficiency of programs and provide suicide prevention education to organizations serving adolescents.


Ami Esquivel

Worked with health coalition and district public health council on identifying public health priorities in York County, Maine. Created a Partner Map that highlights various public health resources in Southern Maine.


Elizabeth Kiefer

Facilitated evidence based reproductive health programs to improve sexual health knowledge among youth in Springfield, MA.


Jillian Leikauskas

Developed quality measurements and assessed responses to evaluate intake of population needs, team performance, and overall impact of community health centers in Vermont.


Ricardo Albarran

Collected and evaluated qualitative data from communities of high-risk for HIV in order to disseminate findings and inform progress on state-wide plan of reducing HIV in Connecticut.


Deirdre Martinez-Meehan

Researched barriers and facilitators to optimize nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding women in treatment for opioid use disorder. Worked closely with key personnel and collected data to drive development of a nutritional education program.


Rachel Martin

Conduct an overall needs assessment with the Boston Public Health Commission in efforts of addressing barriers, obtaining state and federal funding for social services, and providing city residents with options for health benefits.


David Liendo Urona

Work with key personnel to increase volunteer participation in Spanish interpreting program to provide better services for Spanish speaking patients at health center in Rhode Island.


Christopher Lukasik

Monitor opioid overdose death occurrences and create map displaying overdose death data by town, gender, race and type of drug used. Create reports and presentations based on county death data. Research literature and create strategies for promoting drug diversion program in teens.


Kara Rynecki

Evaluated retail store pricing practices at the beginning, middle and end of the month in order to better inform Connecticut Food Bank of possible food insecurities and prevention of nutritional attainment.


Alexander Senetcky

Worked with key stakeholders in the community to provide better health outcomes for program initiatives and addressed blind spots in program function where they may appear.
