Our Impact

Public Health Training Center Network Reaches Over One Million Learners
NEPHTC, as part of The Public Health Training Center Network, is proud to share these statistics* that demonstrate our nationwide impact. Our ten regional Public Health Training Centers offer professionals and students convenient and flexible training that addresses critical public... More

Publication: Pilot Testing the Public Health Learning Agenda Toolkit
We are happy to share this blog post, “Pilot Testing the Public Health Learning Agenda Toolkit,” about the Public Health Learning Agenda for Systems Change Pilot Results. Karla Todd Barrett, NEPHTC’s Senior Program Manager and Training Specialist, was one of... More

At year end, NEPHTC Humbly Reports Training Performance Numbers
Five years ago, the New England Public Health Training Center (NEPHTC) never would have predicted that we would be announcing 64K participants for a fiscal year. But, as of June 30, 2022, we humbly report that we had 64,109 participants... More

“What are the PHTCs and Why are We Good Partners?” and More Publications!
NEPTHC is pleased to share that we are part of a constant collaboration with nine other Public Health Training Centers (PHTCs) in the nine HHS regions. We are far more than a small program working with partners in New England!... More

Congrats to Our Students!
NEPHTC offers our Health Equity Stipend Program to provide exceptional students with opportunities to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in a public health practice setting working with a medically underserved area/population. Every year, we aim to reach students of all backgrounds from... More

Introducing the Public Health Training Center Network!
HRSA’s 10 Regional Public Health Training Centers Refunded and Rebranded as the Public Health Training Center Network! We are a consortium of regional Public Health Training Centers that collectively represent the nation’s most comprehensive resource for public health workforce development. While... More

Introducing The Racial Justice Competency Model for Public Health Professionals (RJCM)
Many agencies have declared racism a public health issue and have implemented DEI trainings in response, but this alone will not change the structures and systems upholding racism and marginalization. Therefore, the Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN), with support from... More

27 Students Across New England Receive Stipends for Public Health Work in Underserved Communities
27 students, distributed across New England, completed field placements and received stipends from HRSA for working in agencies to serve underserved communities, while building competency as part of the future public health workforce. "We worked really hard each year on distributing... More

NEPHTC Receives $3.7M HRSA Award!
NEPHTC has received a $3.7 million award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agency. These funds will be used over the next four years to improve the ability of... More

Publication: PHTCs Partner With Community Health Worker Organizations To Train & Support The CHW Workforce
We are happy to share this blog post written by NEPHTC's Program Manager, Karla Todd Barrett, and Marcia Morales Villavicencio: "Public Health Training Centers Partner With Community Health Worker Organizations To Train And Support The CHW Workforce." This blog post highlights... More