“What are the PHTCs and Why are We Good Partners?” and More Publications!
NEPTHC is pleased to share that we are part of a constant collaboration with nine other Public Health Training Centers (PHTCs) in the nine HHS regions. We are far more than a small program working with partners in New England! The thinking of our funders and the needs of the workforce have changed to require us to work as a network. As such, though we operate out of separate university-based Schools of Public Health, we have national activity, training, and technical assistance to share.
Catch up on these recent publications from the Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN)!
What are Public Health Training Centers (PHTCs) and why are we good partners?
How do PHTCs partner with Community Health Workers?
What is collective efficacy, and how can it support the public health workforce?
Read about how a region used systems mapping to help strengthen the public health workforce!
How do you use Systems Change in Policy?
How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the public health workforce?
- From Region 5: Public Health Workforce Development During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From a Qualitative Training Needs Assessment
- From Region 2: Enumeration of the Public Health Workforce in New York State: Workforce Changes in the Wake of COVID-19
- From Region 2: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration: Phase 2 of an in Progress Review in New York State Local Health Departments
How do the PHTCs develop engaging online learning content?
- From Region 8: Training Public Health Professionals on Adaptive Challenges—An Innovative Approach Using Remote Learning Modalities
- From Region 10: “Hot Topics in Practice” Webinars: Best Practices for Public Health Webinar Development
How do the PHTCs support public health leadership development?
- Regions 4, 7, and 10: Learning to Lead: 3 Models to Support Public Health Leadership Development
- From Region 2: Advancing Leadership Training to Address Health Equity and Respond to Public Health Emergencies
- From Region 9: Competency Status and Desire for Training in Core Public Health Domains: An Analysis by Job Level
Publications resulting from Collaborative Projects:
- From Region 3: COVID-19 Outcomes among the Hispanic Population of 27 Large U.S. Cities 2020–2021
- From Region 3: Feasibility of Student-designed, Peer-led Classroom Physical Activity Breaks in Graduate School
- From Region 3: OjO Latino. A Photovoice Project Seeking the Recognition of Latino Presence in Pittsburgh, PA