Monitor opioid overdose death occurrences and create map displaying overdose death data by town, gender, race and type of drug used. Create reports and presentations based on county death data. Research literature and create strategies for promoting drug diversion program in teens.
Facilitated the creation of dynamic learning programs incorporating multimedia sources, project based learning, and hands on learning through field trips for teen community health program.
Evaluated retail store pricing practices at the beginning, middle and end of the month in order to better inform Connecticut Food Bank of possible food insecurities and prevention of nutritional attainment.
Worked with key stakeholders in the community to provide better health outcomes for program initiatives and addressed blind spots in program function where they may appear.
Developed an Integrated Public Health Surveillance System to collect, analyze, and disseminate information about a variety of diseases and behaviors of interest to the local health department.
Educated legislators, key leaders, and public health officials on the importance of public health bills, and ensured that evidence-based public health data is being used to support these bills.
Worked with the Comprehensive Cancer Collaborative’s Equity Task Force to help research and reduce disparities in cancer screening rates among vulnerable populations.
Conducted observation and evaluation at a childcare center to create policies surrounding nutrition and physical activity in order to decrease childhood obesity rates and increase health.