DSLab researchers travel to NEDSI Conference in Washington DC
Fourteen MET students, including 12 DSLab researchers and alumni attended the 52nd Annual Northeast Decision Sciences Conference in Washington, DC on March 30-April 1, 2023. Four DSLab researchers presented papers:
(1) Grace Niu (with co-authors Caroline Tan and Amelia Zhao),
(2) Claire Ding,
(3) Frannie Fang (with co-author Bob Jiang), and Michelle Liu (with co-author Adrian Perez).
Three researchers presented posters:
(1) Caroline (who won third place in the graduate poster competition),
(2) Michelle, and
(3) Frannie.
Other DSLab researchers who attended (along with Bob and Amelia) were Ruth Wootisarn, Maria Kristina, Yugesh Asokan, Bonnie Wang, and Rainy Xu. Two other MET students attended: Max Tang and Alice Ying (Alice also presented a paper that was co-authored by Profs. Kathleen Park and Eugene Pinsky). Congratulation to the participants!