
Seminar at MIT

By Jeffrey GeddesApril 10th, 2023in News

This week, Jeff is the invited speaker in MIT's Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate Seminar Series. In this talk, Jeff will discuss the group's activities related to ground-based remote sensing of coastal air quality and relevance for new satellite-based observations.

Geddes Group @ AGU 2022

By Jeffrey GeddesDecember 12th, 2022in News

Check out all the great work from grad students and postdocs in the Geddes Research Group at this year's Fall Meeting of the AGU in New Orleans (and virtually)!

Taylor Adams is sharing an analysis of our Pandora NO2 observations throughout the urban Boston region:

Bo Wang is sharing work on measurement-model fusion approaches to estimating atmospheric deposition:

Jeff Geddes is sharing an overview of modeling and remote sensing of air quality in our coastal urban environment:

WMO Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition Workshop

By Jeffrey GeddesOctober 6th, 2022in News

This week, Jeff is participating in the World Meteorological Organization's Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition Workshop, being held virtually and in person in Geneva.

Jeff is giving two talks about research and developments in the Geddes Group: (1) "A Pilot Project for Operational Global O3 Surface Flux Estimates"; and (2) "What is the View from Space? Opportunities and Challenges in Satellite-Informed Methods for Total Atmospheric Deposition Estimates".

Visiting Salt Lake City

By Jeffrey GeddesAugust 18th, 2022in News

This week, Jeff is in Salt Lake City visiting the University of Utah. He is checking in on our Pandora deployment, and giving a seminar for the Department of Atmospheric Sciences seminar series. The title of his talk is, "Challenges and Opportunities in Coastal Urban Air Quality Monitoring: Lessons from the Boston Basin".

Congratulations, Anthony!

By Jeffrey GeddesJune 16th, 2022in News

Congratulations to Anthony Wong, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation today! A milestone for him and for our group! His thesis includes three already published works on the role of the terrestrial biosphere on modulating atmospheric reactivity and air quality. Anthony will be moving on to a postdoctoral position at MIT. 

10th International GEOS-Chem (IGC10) Meeting

By Jeffrey GeddesJune 6th, 2022in News

This week, Jeff is traveling to St. Louis for the 10th International GEOS-Chem Meeting.

As co-chair of the Chemistry-Ecosystem-Climate Working Group, Jeff will be participating in discussions about model development and priorities. He is also presenting a poster of Anthony's latest work, called "Impact of Global Climate and Land Use Change on Soil Reactive Ntirogen Emissions".

TEMPO Science Team Meeting

By Jeffrey GeddesMay 31st, 2022in News

This week is the annual TEMPO Science Team meeting. TEMPO is a geostationary satellite instrument that will be dedicated to monitoring tropospheric pollution over North America, anticipated to launch in early 2023.

Research from our group is being highlighted by postdoc Bo Wang ("High Resolution Modeling of NO2 and O3 in Greater Boston on Sea Breeze and Non-Sea Breeze Days") and collaborator Elena Spinei Lind ("From Street Level to Total Column: Mapping Urban Pollution Using Ground-Based DOAS Measurements").