Welcome Kate and Matt!
Our group welcomes Kate Bartlett and Matt Weil, who are joining us as PhD students this fall. Kate has an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, and Matt has an undergraduate degree from Ithaca College. A warm BU welcome, Kate and Matt!
International GEOS-Chem Meeting
This week, GEOS-Chem users from around the world are meeting in St. Louis for IGC 11. The meeting focuses on science and model developments, including themed breakout sessions. Jeff presented a poster titled, "Modeling and Remote Sensing of the Diurnal Variability in NO2 and HCHO: Results from Boston and Salt Lake City". Jeff also co-chaired a working group discussion on surface-atmosphere exchange processes in GEOS-Chem.
HAQAST Massachusetts
Last week, Jeff was part of a panel at the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Science Team workshop, hosted by MIT. Jeff discussed how the ground-based Pandora network can support the interpretation of satellite-based retrievals of trace gases. You can watch Jeff's short presentation here.
Boston Pandora Project
This week, we completed re-installation of Pandoras throughout the Boston area. Our most recent project focuses on new measurements located in a community near the airport, as well as custom sky scans at multiple locations that will map horizontal variability in trace gases across the city with a focus on advancing new geostationary satellite observations of air quality. For this work, we are collaborating with investigators at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge. These measurements also contribute to the larger network of Pandoras in the Pandonia Global Network.
Many thanks to staff from SciGlob who were in town to help with deployment. We also gratefully acknowledge collaborators at Boston University's Department of Environmental Health, and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Air Assessment Branch, who provide us with access and support at locations in Chelsea and Lynn.
See below for pictures of the instruments in the wild, and a map of our deployment! Stay tuned for exciting results...
Questions about our measurements should be directed to Jeff by e-mail at jgeddes[at]
Harvard Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar
This week, Jeff was invited to give the Atmospheric & Environment Chemistry Seminar at Harvard University. His talk is called "Clear Skies Ahead? New Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Sensing of Urban Air Quality".
Check out the abstract for the seminar here.
American Meteorological Society Meeting
This week, two members of our group attended the American Meteorological Society Meeting in Baltimore.
Graduate student Rachel Mooers attended the AMS as a student volunteer. Thanks for your dedication, Rachel!
Graduate student Arden Radford presented a poster on our NOAA-funded CO2-AQ-USA project. The title of Arden's poster is: "Local to Regional Heterogeneity in Greenhouse Gas - Air Pollutant Emission Control Co-Benefits: New Insights from Emission Inventory and Ambient Measurement Syntheses in Boston and Salt Lake City". Check out the full abstract here, and a copy of the poster below.
UPDATE: Arden's poster won an Outstanding Student Poster Presentation Award! Congratulations Arden!
Geddes Group @ AGU 2023
Check out all the great work from grad students and postdocs in the Geddes Research Group at this year's Fall Meeting of the AGU in San Francisco (and virtually)!
Bo Wang submitted an abstract on our work estimating the sensitivity of global ozone deposition flux calculations to various input sources:
Jeff Geddes submitted an abstract on our Pandora observations in Salt Lake City:
Jeff is also co-author on four additional abstracts from collaborators around the country.
Pandora User Group Meeting in DC
This week, Jeff is attending the Pandora User Group Meeting in Washington DC. This meeting brings together investigators from around the world who are operating Pandora instruments. Jeff is giving a research talk on our measurements in Boston and Salt Lake City.
Details of this meeting are shared here.
Welcome Claire!
The Geddes Group welcomes Claire Naughton, who is joining the group as a PhD student this fall. Claire has an undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Welcome Claire!
New Publications!
Fresh off the press, our group just published a pair of papers in JGR-Atmospheres on coastal urban air quality. We examine a variety of challenges and opportunities in high resolution modeling and remote sensing observations.
In postdoc Bo Wang's modeling paper, we show how sea breeze frontal dynamics and urban NOx titration effects drive strong heterogeneity in high O3 pollution that is not captured by the current monitoring network:
In grad student Taylor Adams' paper, we combine Pandora-derived NO2 column measurements with surface concentrations to constrain the role of boundary layer dynamics and to highlight the value of remote sensing in characterizing sea breeze dynamics:
These recent contributions provide new process-level insight following an earlier climatological analysis we performed with routine monitoring observations that broadly examined the role of sea breezes on air quality in the Boston area.