Current Studies
Down Syndrome Studies
Clinicians at the Boston Children’s Hospital Down Syndrome Program and researchers at Boston University’s Infant Communication Lab are looking to better understand how movement, exploration, and communication develop in babies with Down syndrome. This study is entirely observational and an important first step toward developing interventions designed to boost infant mobility and support communicative development. Your voluntary participation will help make this study a success!
We find that parents and their babies really enjoy these sessions, and we love getting to see how babies grow and change over the course of the study. If you are interested in participating, have any questions, or would like more information, please email us at or call (774) 275-3321. Thank you for your consideration.
Click here to fill out our Project HOME Interest Form! Someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Autism Study
Click here to learn more about the remote study on communication in minimally and non-speaking Autistic children ages 5-10.
Typical Development Studies