Category: Courses

posts describing courses

Cacao in Olmec Society

We continue our series of posts from the Anthropology of Food class (ML 641) in which students reflect on current issues, discuss assignments they have worked on, or address topics of particular interest to them. Today’s post is from Gastronomy student Morrisa Engles.     Cacao has carried deep cultural meaning since it was first domesticated. […]

Poison and Food Taboos

Our summer series, Perspectives from Anthropology of Food, continues with this post from Gastronomy student Madoka Sasa. In the article “Anthropology of Food,” R. Kenji Tierney and Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney (2012, 118) describe blowfish consumption in Japan: Not all objectively “edible” items are regarded as food for a people, even in times of severe food shortages. […]

Instant Pot as Community

We continue with our summer blog series “Perspectives from Anthropology of Food” with this post from Laura Kitchings.  This series presents work written by the students in the summer Anthropology of Food class (ML 641) in which they reflect on current issues, discuss assignments they have worked on, or address topics of particular interest to them. […]