Author: Gastronomy Education

Course Spotlight: Local to Global Food Values: Policy, Practice and Performance

Local to Global Food Values: Policy Practice and Performance will be offered through Boston University’s Summer Term 2. This class will meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning on July 6 with a final class on August 10. To register, please visit . What are “good” foods and trustworthy standards and measurements of value? Who regulates […]

Dinner and Dialogue at the Eucharistic Table

A new trend is emerging in Christian communities across the country. Modeled after the gatherings of first century Christians and grounded in the language of the Eucharist (a meal of bread and wine instituted by Jesus during his final Passover supper), dinner church communities gather to hold their church service over the course of a meal.

Summer Course Spotlight: Culture and Cuisine of New England

Looking to add another course to your summer schedule, but unsure how to choose? You might consider Netta Davis’s course, Culture and Cuisine of New England. Without fail, this course receives rave reviews from all who take it — from students who have lived in the region for years to those who moved here just for […]

Fast Food: A Global Perspective

by Kendall Vanderslice Last night, BU’s Food and Wine program hosted The New School’s Andrew Smith for the final installment of the semester’s Pepin Lectures. The grandfather of culinary historians, and author or editor of 28 books on the subject, Mr. Smith captivated his audience during an hour-long journey through the history of fast food.