EK 307 – Electric Circuits

In the lab we apply the theory learned in lecture to make circuits come to life. The lab curriculum is designed to give you a broad introduction to electronic circuits. If you have a good understanding of the lab materials you will be well equipped to embark on projects that require basic sensing and signal processing.

In the lab, all EK307 lecture sections are combined and perform the same lab activities. The lab is located in PHO 105. If there is a holiday or snow day there may be schedule delays that affect certain days only. The schedule posted below may be updated to reflect the changes. There is extra time in the schedule to ensure every lab section has a fair amount of time to complete all their labs.

Fall 2020 labs will be hosted on Blackboard. There is a Blackboard class called ‘EK307 A1/A2/A3 Electric Circuits (Fall 2020)’. All three lecture section students will use this for the labs.


Lab Schedule:



Lecture Tutorials

(Be sure to “accept macros” and run as “Slide Show”)

How to Navigate through the Power Point slides

  1. Voltage and Current
  2. Ohm’s Law and Power
  3. Kirchhoff’s Laws
  4. Voltage and Current Division
  5. Dependent Sources
  6. Resistive Circuits and Applications
  7. Node and Mesh Methods
  8. Superposition
  9. Thevenin and Nortion Equivalents
  10. Thevenin Circuits with Dependent Sources
  11. OP-Amps I
  12. OP-Amps II
  13. Capacitors and Inductors
  14. Capacitor Circuits
  15. Inductor Circuits
  16. RLC Circuits
  17. Impedance and the Frequency Domain

Video versions for some of the above tutorials:

Voltage and Current
Ohm’s Law
Kirchhoff’s Laws
Resistive Circuits; Voltage & Current Division
• Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
• Node and Mesh Methods
• Superposition and Example #1
• Superposition Example #2
• Superposition Example #3
• Capacitors and Inductors as Circuit Elements
• Capacitors in Time Domain: First Order Differential Equations
• Impedance and the Frequency Domain

Additional Resources


Logic Notes
Active Filter Notes
Bode Plot Notes

Lab Equipment

How to Use the Solderless Breadboard

EK307 Laboratory Test Equipment

Picoscope Primer
Agilent MSO6012A Oscilloscope User’s Manual
HP 33120A Function Generator User’s Manual
Agilent 33220A Function Generator User’s Manual
Agilent 34410A Multimeter User’s Manual

Short Tutorial Videos

Brief introduction to the power supply and multimeter

Measuring resistance with the 34401A multimeter

Measuring current with the 34401A multimeter

Brief introduction to the Picoscope

Reference Documents

Analog-to-Digital Converter Tutorial
A/D Starter Code ek307ad.c
How to Activate Code Composer (If Needed on your PHO105 PC)
MSP430 Digital I/O Reference Documentation
MSP430 Timer A Reference Documentation
MSP430 A/D Converter Reference Documentation
TI MSP430 LaunchPad Manual
TI MSP430G2553 Datasheet
TI MSP430x2xx Series User’s Guide
Binary to Decimal Converter Program (Excel Program)


Tutorial Modules