Lab News

Undergraduate Student and Former Graduate Student to Present Research at Nutrition 2022 Live

Congratulations to Sarah Liao (Sargent ’23, B.S. Nutrition/Dietetics) and Ellie Wei (Boston University School of Medicine ’20, M.S. Nutrition & Metabolism, Graduate Medical Science) whose abstract submissions on their research with Dr. McCrory to Nutrition 2022 Live were accepted. In June 2022, Ms. Liao will be presenting the results of her study on the effects of portion size training on the accuracy of portion size assessment by healthy adults, and Ms. Wei will be presenting her findings on hunger relationships with meal timing in healthy adults. Nutrition 2022 Live is the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

Undergraduate Student Receives Research Award

Congratulations to Yunkeli Lin (SAR ’24, B.S. Nutrition/Dietetics) for being awarded an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award to conduct research with Dr. McCrory in Summer 2022. Ms. Lin will be studying the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and serum carotenoids. Ms. Lin has been volunteering as a research assistant in the Eating Patterns and Metabolism Lab since Fall 2021.

Student Presents Research at UROP Symposium 2021

Undergraduate student Sarah Liao (Nutrition/Dietetics '23) presented her research on portion size training and assessment at the Fall 2021 Boston University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Symposium. Sarah was awarded the Student Research Award to conduct this research throughout Summer and Fall 2021. Read more about Sarah and her research on Instagram.

Graduate student collaborator wins poster award

Congratulations to Tonmoy Ghosh, graduate student in McCrory lab collaborator Dr Edward Sazonov’s laboratory at the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, for winning a poster presentation award for “Fusion of sensor- and image-based deep neural networks for accurate detection of eating” authored by Ghosh T, Han Y, Raju V, Hossain D, McCrory MA, Boushey CJ, Delp E, Sazonov E, at the NIH Precision Nutrition Workshop, Jan 11-12, 2021 held virtually.

Dr McCrory to present at Global Food+ 2021

Dr. McCrory will presented a 7 minute speed talk on “Meal Timing and Weight Control” at the Global Food+ 2021 virtual conference, Feb 26, 2021, sponsored by Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. The virtual conference is free, registration required.

Student Spotlight: Kimberly Siu (’21)

Kimberly Siu (Human Physiology '21) and her mentor Dr. Megan McCrory presented their research on the validity of the AIM wearable sensor in measuring meal timing at the Fall 2019 Boston University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Symposium. Kimberly was awarded the Student Research Award to conduct this research throughout Summer 2019.