
(click here to view publications by topic)


Davison, K.E., Liu, T., Belisle, R.M., Perrachione, T.K., Qi, Z., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Tager-Flusberg, H., & Zuk, J. (submitted). Right-hemispheric white matter organization is associated with speech timing in autistic children. OSF preprint

Whiteford, K.L., Baltzell, L.S., Chiu, M., Cooper, J.K., Faucher, S., Goh, P.Y., Hagedorn, A., Irsik, V.C., Irvine, A., Lim, S.-J., Mesik, J., Mesquita, B., Oakes, B., Rajappa, N., Roverud, E., Schrlau, A.E., Van Hedger, S.C., Bharadwaj, .M., Johnsrude, I.S., Kidd, G., Luebke, A.E., Maddox, R.K., Marvin, E.W., Perrachione, T.K., Shinn-Cunningham, B.G., & Oxenham, A.J. (submitted). Musical training does not enhance neural sound encoding at early stages of the auditory system: A large-scale multisite investigation. bioRxiv preprint

2024 – in press

Lee, J.J., Tin, J.A.A., & Perrachione, T.K. (in press). Foreign language talker identification does not generalize to new talkers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Best, V., Ahlstrom, J.B., Mason, C.R., Perrachione, T.K., Kidd, G., & Dubno, J.R. (2024). Talker change detection by listeners varying in age and hearing loss. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, 2482-2491.PubMedPDF

Fleming, J.T., Njoroge, J.M., Noyce, A.L., Perrachione, T.K., & Shinn-Cunningham, B.G. (2024). Patterns of information segregation during working memory and attention revealed by dual-task interference in behavior, pupillometry, and EEG. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-22. • PubMed • PDF

Lee, J.J., Scott, T.L., & Perrachione, T.K. (2024). Efficient functional localization of language regions in the brain. NeuroImage, 285, 120489. PubMed • PDF


Alho, J., Samuelsson, J., Khan, S., Mamashli, F., Bharadwaj, H., Losh, A. McGuiggan, N., Graham, S., Nayal, Z., Perrachione, T.K., Joseph, R.M., Stoodley, C., Hämäläinen, M.S., & Kenet, T. (2023). Both stronger and weaker cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity patterns during processing of spoken sentences in autism spectrum disorder. Human Brain Mapping, 44, 5810-5827. PubMedPDF

Villard, S., Perrachione, T.K., Lim, S.-J., Alam, A. & Kidd, G. (2023). Energetic and informational masking place dissociable demands on listening effort: Evidence from simultaneous EEG and pupillometry. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, 1152-1167.PubMed PDF

D’Mello, A., Frosch, I.R., Meisler, S.L., Grotzinger, H., Perrachione, T.K., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2023). Diminished repetition suppression reveals selective and systems-level face processing differences in ASD. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 1952–1962. PubMed PDF

Alho, J., Khan, S., Mamashli, F. Perrachione, T.K., Losh, A. McGuiggan, N., Graham, S., Nayal, Z., Joseph, R.M., Hämäläinen, M.S., Bharadwaj, H., & Kenet, T. (2023). Atypical cortical processing of bottom-up speech binding cues in children with autism spectrum disorders. NeuroImage: Clinical, 37, 103336. PubMedPDF

Kapadia, A.M., Tin, J.A.A., & Perrachione, T.K. (2023). Multiple sources of variation affect speech processing efficiency. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 209-223. PubMedPDF


O’Brien, A.M., Perrachione, T.K., Wisman Weil, L., Sanchez Araujo, Y., Halverson, K., Harris, A., Ostrovskaya, I., Kjelgaard, M., Wexler, K., Tager-Flusberg, H., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Qi, Z. (2022). Altered engagement of the speech motor network is associated with reduced phonological working memory in autism. NeuroImage: Clinical, 37, 103299. PubMedPDF

Romeo R.R., Perrachione, T.K., Olson, H.A., Halverson, K., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Christodoulou, J.A. (2022). Socioeconomic dissociations in the neural and cognitive bases of reading disorders. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 58, 101175. PubMedPDF

Lee, J.J. & Perrachione, T.K. (2022). Implicit and explicit learning in talker identification. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 2002-2015 PubMedPDF

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Beach, S.D., Brown, M., Centanni, T., Gaab, N., Kuperberg, G., Perrachione, T.K., Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2022). Speech-specific perceptual adaptation deficits in children and adults with dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Psychology – General, 151, 1556-1572.  PubMedPDF

Beach, S.D., Ozernov-Palchik, O., May, S.C., Centanni, T.M., Perrachione, T.K., Pantazis, D., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2022). The neural representation of a repeated standard stimulus in dyslexia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16:823627. PubMedPDF

Choi, J.Y., Kou, R.S.N., & Perrachione, T.K. (2022). Distinct mechanisms for talker adaptation operate in parallel on different timescales. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 627-634. PubMedPDF

Beach, S.D., Lim, S.-J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Eddy, M.D., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Perrachione, T.K. (2022). Electrophysiological correlates of perceptual prediction error are attenuated in dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 165, 108091. PubMedPDF


Lim, S.-J., Carter, Y.D., Njoroge, J.M., Shinn-Cunningham, B.G., & Perrachione, T.K. (2021). Talker discontinuity disrupts attention to speech: Evidence from EEG and pupillometry. Brain & Language, 221, 104996. PubMedPDF

Alho, J., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H., Mamashli, F., Joseph, R.M., Perrachione, T.K., Losh, A., McGuiggan, N., Hämäläinen, M.S., & Kenet, T. (2021). Altered maturation and atypical preattentive cortical processing of meaningful speech in autism spectrum disorder. Progress in Neurobiology, 203, 102077. PubMedPDF

Li, R., Perrachione, T.K., Tourville, J.A., & Kiran, S. (2021). Representation of semantic typicality in brain activation in healthy adults and individuals with aphasia: A multi-voxel pattern analysis. Neuropsychologia, 158, 107893. PubMedPDF


Scott, T.L., Haenchen, L., Dailiri, A., Chartove, J., Guenther, F.H. & Perrachione, T.K. (2020). Noninvasive neurostimulation of left ventral motor cortex enhances sensorimotor adaptation in speech production. Brain & Language, 209, 104840. PubMedPDF

Kapadia, A.M. & Perrachione, T.K. (2020). Selecting among competing models of talker adaptation: Attention, cognition, and memory in speech processing efficiency. Cognition, 204, 104393. PubMedPDF


Wagley, N., Perrachione, T.K., Ostrovskaya, I., Ghosh, S.S., Saxler, P.K., Lymberis, J., Wexler, K., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Kovelman, I. (2019). Persistent neurobehavioral markers of developmental morphosyntax errors in adults: An fMRI study of the optional infinitive. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62, 4497-4508. PubMedPDF

Perrachione, T.K., Furbeck, K.T., & Thurston, E.J. (2019). Acoustic and linguistic factors affecting perceptual similarity judgments of voices. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, 3384-3399. PubMedPDF

Scott, T.L. & Perrachione, T.K. (2019). Common cortical architectures for phonological working memory identified in individual brains. NeuroImage, 202, 116096. PubMedPDF

Choi, J.Y. & Perrachione, T.K. (2019). Noninvasive neurostimulation of left temporal lobe disrupts rapid talker adaptation in speech processing. Brain and Language, 196, 104655. PubMedPDF

Choi, J.Y. & Perrachione, T.K. (2019). Time and information in perceptual adaptation to speech. Cognition, 192, 103982. PubMedPDF

Lim, S.-J., Shinn-Cunningham, B.G., & Perrachione, T.K. (2019). Effects of talker continuity and speech rate on auditory working memory. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics., 81, 1167-1177. PubMedPDF

McLaughlin, D.E., Carter, Y.D., Cheng, C.C., & Perrachione, T.K. (2019). Hierarchical contributions of linguistic knowledge to talker identification: Phonological vs. lexical familiarity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 1088-1107. PubMed | PDF

Qi Z., Han M., Wang Y., de los Angeles C., Liu Q., Garel K., Chen E., Whitfield-Gabrieli S., Gabrieli J.D.E., & Perrachione T.K. (2019). Speech processing and plasticity in the right hemisphere predict real-world foreign language learning in adults. NeuroImage, 192, 76-87. PubMedPDF


Choi, J.Y., Hu, E.R., & Perrachione, T.K. (2018). Varying acoustic-phonemic ambiguity reveals that talker normalization is obligatory in speech processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 784-797. PubMedPDF

Best, V., Ahlstrom, J.B., Mason, C.R., Roverud, E., Perrachione, T.K., Kidd, G., & Dubno, J.R. (2018). Talker identification: Effects of masking, hearing loss and age. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, 1085-1092. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Ghosh, S.S., Ostrovskaya, I., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Kovelman, I. (2017). Phonological working memory for words and nonwords in cerebral cortex. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1959-1979. PubMedPDF

Christodoulou, J.A., Murtagh, J., Cyr, A., Perrachione, T.K., Chang, P., Halverson, K., Hook, P., Yendiki, A., Ghosh, S.S., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2017). Relation of white-matter microstructure to reading ability and disability in beginning readers. Neuropsychology, 31, 508-515. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Del Tufo, S.N., Winter, R., Murtagh, J., Cyr, A., Chang, P., Halverson, K., Ghosh, S.S., Christodoulou, J.A. & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2016). Dysfunction of rapid neural adaptation in dyslexia. Neuron, 92, 1383-1397. PubMedPDF

Lu, C., Qi, Z., Harris, A., Wisman Weil, L., Han, M., Halverson, K., Perrachione, T.K., Kjelgaard, M., Wexler, K., Tager-Flusberg, H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2016). Shared neuroanatomical substrates of impaired phonological working memory across reading disability and autism. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 1, 169-177. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Stepp, C.E., Hillman, R.E., & Wong, P.C.M. (2014) Talker identification across source mechanisms: Experiments with laryngeal and electrolarynx speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 1651-1665. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Fedorenko, E.G., Vinke, L., Gibson, E., & Dilley, L.C. (2013) Evidence for shared cognitive processing of pitch in language and music. PLoS One, 8(8): e73372. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073372 PubMedPDF

Perrachione, T.K. & Ghosh, S.S. (2013). Optimized design and analysis of sparse-sampling fMRI experiments. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 7:55. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00055 PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Del Tufo, S.N., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2011). Human voice recognition depends on language ability. Science, 333, 595. PubMedPDF

Perrachione, T.K., Lee, J., Ha, L.Y.Y., & Wong, P.C.M. (2011). Learning a novel phonological contrast depends on interactions between individual differences and training paradigm design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, 461-472. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Chiao, J.Y. & Wong, P.C.M. (2010). Asymmetric cultural effects on perceptual expertise underlie an own-race bias for voices. Cognition, 114, 42-55. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K., Pierrehumbert, J.B. & Wong, P.C.M (2009). Differential neural contributions to native- and foreign-language talker identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1950-1960. PubMedPDF

Wong, P.C.M., Perrachione, T.K., & Margulis, E.H. (2009). Effects of asymmetric cultural experiences on the auditory pathway: Evidence from music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 157-163. PubMedPDF

Wong, P.C.M., Perrachione, T.K., Gunasekera, G.,& Chandrasekaran, B. (2009). Communication disorders in speakers of tone languages: Etiological bases and clinical considerations. Seminars in Speech and Language, 30, 162-173. PubMedPDF


Perrachione, T.K. & Perrachione, J.R. (2008). Brains and brands: Developing mutually informative research in neuroscience and marketing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 303-318. PDF


Perrachione, T.K. & Wong, P.C.M. (2007). Learning to recognize speakers of a non-native language: Implications for the functional organization of human auditory cortex. Neuropsychologia, 45, 1899-1910. PubMedPDF

Wong, P.C.M., Perrachione, T.K. & Parrish, T.B. (2007). Neural characteristics of successful and less successful speech and word learning in adults. Human Brain Mapping, 28, 995-1006. PubMedPDF

Wong, P.C.M. & Perrachione, T.K. (2007). Learning pitch patterns in lexical identification by native English-speaking adults. Applied Psycholinguistics, 28, 565-585. PublisherPDF