Category: News

The Revolutionary Significance of Facebook

       In 2008, a man called Oscar Morales used Facebook to rally 12million people to protest against Colombian communist guerrilla Organiation Farc. At the same year, a Facebook group organized a huge water fight in downtown Leeds, England. In September 2008 more than a thousand people spent twenty minutes or so smashing each […]

Revolutions and Meanings of Radio

The invention of radio broadcasting took a long time. In the year of 1864, British scientist James Clerk Maxwell conjured that ” an electromagnetic disturbance travels in free space with the velocity of light”. Then 24 years later, Heinrich Hertz confirmed his speculation by discovering electromagnetic waves (Sengupta & Sarkar, 2003). In 1895, Alexander S. […]

What has the iPhone done to our lives?

For it’s 10 year anniversary, I think it’s appropriate to take a look back at how the iPhone came into our lives one summer day and drastically changed not only the way we communicate with people, but how it has affected social behavior and the nature of communication technology as a whole. Apple introduced the […]

Past and Future: Revolutions and Renaissance of Radio

“As the first modern mass medium, radio made America into a land of listeners,” Tom Lewis pointed out (1992, p.26). With ears and imagination, people embraced a new world. Radio is of immediacy, providing infectious information by voice. It targets general public as the audience, not demanding high literacy level and restricted geographic scope. Meanwhile, […]

From Teleprinter To Microblogging

As the teleprinter was first invented by engineers, inventors and users in 1830s would never imagine that this technology could be evolved to something that could easily allow users to instantly “exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2011)”, that is, the microblogging. Back to the […]

From iPad to the broader picture

Before iPad came out, almost nobody thought it would be as successful as it became in the end. Even though iPhone back in 2010 was not as strong beasts as they are today, iPod Touch was a well established product for portable online communication and media technology. A lot of people did not see the […]

Multum in Parvo: Thoughts Starts from the Revolutionary of Printing

Just look around, printed matters are everywhere. If we say that the invention of text has led to the extension of human thoughts and furthermore the profound of it, then the invention of the printing press is undoubtedly enabling more human beings to engage in these thoughts. Printing was originated in China, recognized as the […]