Past Workshop Series – Mechanics of Improvement

This series was co-presented by CIIS and the Quality and Patient Safety group at Boston University School of Medicine. Each session featured speakers from the implementation and improvement sciences as well as quality improvement disciplines who presented conceptually and methodologically different approaches to implementing healthcare delivery changes. Sessions were structured around stages of improvement: Planning, Doing, Studying, Acting.

Session 1: Planning for Improvement – Overview

  • Identify different quality improvement and implementation and improvement sciences approaches to planning that you can include in your improvement initiatives
  • Compare/contrast quality improvement and implementation and improvement sciences approaches using Boston Medical Center case studies
  • Identify pros/cons of each approach

Session 2: Planning for Improvement – Operationalizing Conceptual Models, Process Maps and Driver Diagrams

  • Demonstrate how to use conceptual models to map out study variables and outcome measures
  • Use process maps and driver diagrams to plan improvement activities, identify workflow changes
  • Discuss how to apply planning tools to your improvement initiatives

Session 3: Studying Improvement Initiatives

  • Identify measurable implementation strategies
  • Differentiate between implementation, effectiveness, balancing measures
  • Discuss how to identify appropriate study designs

Session 4: Studying & Acting on Results

  • Discuss trade-offs when selecting a study design
  • Consider different approaches to acting on measured results
  • Discuss planning for sustainability


Transforming Implementation and Improvement Into Science 

A 7-part skills building series that includes presentation slides and resources from our 2017-2018 Academic Year workshops aimed at developing strong research proposals. The learning objectives and resources from each session are linked below:

Session 1: Identifying Your Implementation & Improvement Sciences Question

  • Discuss the goals of implementation science and improvement science, and be able to distinguish research questions in those fields from questions of quality improvement or other studies.
  • Distinguish between implementation science and implementation of an intervention, efficacy and effectiveness.
  • Identify quality and care gaps in current health systems delivery and challenges to increasing the use of evidence-based practices.

Session 2: Using & Discussing Implementation Science Models

  • Gain introductory knowledge of implementation and improvement science specific theoretical/conceptual models.
  • Discuss the importance of linking study questions, process and outcome measures to a conceptual model.
  • Discuss the importance identifying how study findings can build upon existing theory and contribute to developing the field.

Session 3: Implementation Strategies Versus Study Interventions

  • Differentiate between implementation strategies and intervention components
  • Discuss how to link implementation strategies to study aims, setting, process and outcome measures

Session 4: Designing an Implementation & Improvement Sciences Study

  • Identify key considerations for selecting the best study design for implementation and improvement sciences questions
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different study designs

Session 5: Designing Your Implementation & Improvement Sciences Study

  • Identify appropriate study designs for your implementation and improvement sciences question
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen study design

Session 6: Measuring Implementation & Improvement Outcomes

  • Discuss the importance of linking outcome measures to implementation strategies and study design
  • Describe and identify implementation and improvement outcomes versus efficacy outcomes

Session 7: Engaging with Stakeholders to Conduct Feasible & Meaningful Research

  • Discuss the role of stakeholders and multidisciplinary perspectives in designing and conducting implementation and improvement research
  • Discuss the importance of providing evidence of feasibility in proposal budgets and timelines and strategy design
  • Discuss intervention fidelity and adaption to context, scale-up and sustainability
  • Describe dissemination strategies that relate individual projects to the larger policy/funding environment
Other Resources 

We’re always adding to our list of resources, including recorded webinars and toolkits from other organizations. Please let us know if you have a resource we can add to our list!

LeaRRN Webinar Series

  • This archived webinar series highlights how health system research can be used to revolutionize rehabilitative care. This presentation will describe the essence of the learning health system.


*Please check back for updates on current and future educational sessions, or email inquiries to Series announcements will be shared via email. Add your name to our Mailing List.