
Principal Investigator


Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (CV)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Center for Systems Neuroscience
Affiliate: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University

Graduate Students (PhD)

Eric Kenji Lee (From Fall 2019)
Brain Behavior and Cognition Program (BBC)
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Boston University

Nicole Carr
Biomedical Engineering
Boston University

Tian Wang
Biomedical Engineering
Boston University


Karen Marmon – Lab Manager and fixer extraordinaire

Pierre Boucher
Previously a Master’s student in the lab working on using dynamical systems approaches to understand perceptual decisions
Personal Website

Rotation and Undergraduate Students

Rotation Students
  • Tushar Arora (Fall 2023/Spring 2024)
  • Halley Jean Dante (Spring 2024)
  • Jack Vincent (Spring 2022) now a graduate student With Michael Economo
  • Tian Wang (Fall 2020 and Spring of 2021, BME), now a graduate student in the lab
  • Nicole Carr (Fall 2020, BME, Now a graduate student in the lab Project)
  • Morgane Butler (Spring 2020, A & N, Project)
  • Munib Hasnain (Spring 2020, BME, Project)
  • Zannan Zhang (A & N)
Undergraduate Students
  • Paolo Casas , BME (May 2019 – July 2019).
    • Undergraduate Summer Research (Project)
    • Senior Associate Automation Specialist at Pfizer
  • Brenna Lee , BME (June 2019 – January 2020)
    • Undergraduate Summer Research (Project)
    • UROP
    • Research Scientist at Reaction Biology
  • Liam Sennott , CAS (June 2020 – August 2020)
    • UROP Student (Project)
    • Now a Research Technician at the MGH/HST Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
  • Laura Carceroni, Neuroscience (Fall 2020 – Spring 2022)
    • UROP
    • Senior thesis mentee in the lab.
    • Medical Assistant at Brigham Womens Hospital
  • Stephanie Anakwe , Neuroscience (Fall 2020 – Spring 2022)
    • UROP
    • Research Technician in the Laura Lewis Lab at BU
  • Alec Perliss, BME (Fall 2021 – Present)
    • Working with Nicole Carr on analysis of V1 Neuropixel data from the Moore lab
  • Yuke Li,BME (Fall 2021 – Present)
    • Working with Tian Wang on analysis of prefrontal cortical data.
  • Ronald Huang, BME (Fall 2022 – Feb 2023)

Visiting Scholars

  • Hymavathy Balasubramanian Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, July 2019 – September 2019
    • Now a graduate student at Emory University.
  • Vivian Moosmann October 2023 – June 2024
    • Attending the Master’s program in Neuroscience at the University of Tuebingen, Germany!