Our First Visual Abstract

Articles in scientific journals include a brief summary at the beginning of paper, known as an abstract. Abstracts provide background information, identify aims and hypothesis, give an overview of the project’s methods and results, and summarize findings.

What is a visual abstract?

A visual abstract aims to summarize a paper in a visual manner, depicting, rather than describing an overview of the paper.

Our team collaborated to develop a visual abstract for our most recent publication, “Cognitive decrements in 1991 Gulf War veterans: associations with Gulf War illness and neurotoxicant exposures in the Boston Biorepository, Recruitment, and Integrative Network (BBRAIN) cohorts“.


Here is the abstract published in the Environmental Health journal:


We hope this visual depiction provides a palatable, easy to understand presentation of the outcomes of our research.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team:

bbrain@bu.edu or 617-358-2230.