Zeynep Ece Kizilates

Background and Research Interests
Ece Kizilates received her B.S. degree in 2022, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey. Her undergraduate research focused on MEMS device design and characterization. She was awarded a scholarship from TUBITAK for her contributions to the research Project in collaboration with the ULTRAMEMS research group in METU. She joined Boston University in September 2022 as a Ph.D. student and she was awarded the College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship. She is in the WISE-circuits group led by Prof. Rabia Yazicigil. Her research focuses on VLSI design. She is currently working on developing fully integrated circuits for all-in-one data decoders to enable energy-efficient and secure wireless communications in collaboration with MIT and Northeastern University.
Awards and Scholarships
- IEEE SSCS Rising Stars’24 at ISSCC
- IEEE ISIT’23 Student Travel Grant
- 2023 IEEE ComSoc School Cohort
- SSCS Circuit Insights’23 Travel Award for ISSCC
- College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship at BU
- Bülent Kerim Altay Award in METU