Arun Nambiar

Arun is a 3rd year PhD Student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Joining the Wong Lab in 2022, Arun is broadly interested in enhancing the safety and efficacy of immunotherapies for treatment of solid tumors. More specifically, Arun has been investigating a.) pairing of drug-inducible CAR T cells with biomaterials for spatiotemporal control over the activation and termination of anti-tumor signaling b.) utilizing computational logic (AND, NOT, etc.) for enhanced tumor specificity of CAR T cells, and c.) direct delivery of therapeutic genetic circuits to promote tumor clearance. Outside of the lab, Arun is an avid photographer and musician; you can often find him with his camera in tow spending his free time with friends, finding something new to explore in the city, and enjoying Boston’s local restaurant and music scene.